Strategic Operations Plan Business Plan

Total Length: 1200 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Operations Plan

Functional Group

The company in focus for this paper is a mid-sized company with over 1000 employees and the functional group that has been chosen from this company is the production department, with specific focus on the sensor capabilities and operations of this department. The reason behind choosing this particular department for this paper is the rising popularity of production processes and the importance of sensors with the increasing awareness and knowledge of the end consumer of the product. These two reasons are the primary factors for the focus on this department. Furthermore, the quality and life of the sensors are also being challenged by the end users who expect only premium performance and if they don't receive it, the company will most likely have to face customer retention problems as most of the customers might focus on other competitors with better products.

The primary purpose of the department will be to focus on creating and improving high quality sensors that not only satisfy their end users and targeted audience but also help improve customer retention levels for the company. Thus the work schedule for this department will include not only investment in the input for creating new sensors from scratch but also investing in the necessary research and development that will lead to improving the sensors as well as correcting any complaints or performance issues that arise after release. Such a department will be divided across three teams roughly, one that is dedicated to the technical side of creating and maintaining sensors, another that focuses on market R&D and another that focuses on the sales of the product and how it can be improved through improving the sales approach and pricing method. Experience technicians and R&D experts will be necessary with at least 5-10 years of specific experience in the industry while the marketers can be fresh blood; however, a balance between new hires and experienced individuals in this sector could also come in handy.

Period covered by the operational plan

The overall time frame for this operation plan will be short-term, i.e. 2 years, and will be open to expand further based on the successful return from the operation plan and adjustments will also be made based on any shortcomings in the operation plan that might surface. This is the chosen time period for this operation plan as it takes at least a year to design and manufacture a sensor; hence a batch of similarly structured sensors will take up a year for production and distribution. Similarly, any corrections required in the manufactured sensors can anywhere around 3 months up to 5 months. The initial success and effect of the operations plan could thus be gauged through analysis after two years of the completion of the operations plan.

The production department will also take care of the overall design innovations of the sensors as well as the automation degrees needed in the sensors structures. Currently, the operations time will include a timetable for the following responsibilities of the production department:

The manufacture and production of a batch of four high quality sensors with each having its own dedicated assembly line

Scheduling of the manufacture and distribution of these sensors based on the marketing and sales ratios given from the R&D department and marketing department

Furthermore, scheduling of the first shift and second shift will need to be done accurately and choice will have to be made if and when to apply the second shift as the second shift selection can prove to be far more expensive than completing work in the first shift alone

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