Strategic Marketing Plan the Name of the Essay

Total Length: 4594 words ( 15 double-spaced pages)

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Strategic Marketing Plan

The name of the company is "Roaring Petfood." Our logo is simple, "We are here for you to meet your pet needs." With the motto, the company believes that the pet should come first, so that he or she can live a long life (Blue Seal, 2011).

This report consists of what one needs to do in order to run "Roaring Petfood." Research has shown that with the right amount of food and nutrition a cat, dog, bird and so forth can live a prosperous life with the help of their owner (Rompala, 2011). One discusses a marketing plan and all the different aspects of what it takes to get others to buy the food needed to take care of his or her pet. This requires much research and for an individual to understand what ways in which to do so effectively. Trends are discussed as well as ways in which to ensure that people buy the correct food needed for their pet. Everything is discussed from the previous year on what took place and the recommendations needed for improvement. One mentions the customer base and the services provided. A number of environment factors are explored. In what ways the Internet has affected the petfood industry. A person is able to understand the competition that has occurred and the various markets that are getting reached in order to make a profit that is valuable to every party involved. A SWOT analysis is conferred (Rompala, 2011).

All of these are considered when it comes to meeting and exceeding customer needs. By having this marketing plan in place, "Roaring Petfood" is able to make a difference in the community and world in which they serve. Petlovers come from all sorts of backgrounds, and a passion to enjoy their animal in any means possible. This may mean getting the most expensive brand of food available in order to get the most of the time with his or her pet (Rompala, 2011). According to Rompala, one is able to help their pet eat healthy through a balanced diet (2011).

Main Body

Imagine the possibilities of owning a petfood company. A person is able to do a number of marketing tactics in order to reach as many individuals and families. After all, people love animals, and it is a matter of finding the right person in order to make it all happen. Businesses can make a positive or negative impact in the world in which they serve because of the kind of food that is manufactured and the quality that is offered to the consumer to buy. These are factors worth considering; however, when marketing out the actual food to pet owners, this is an important detail that cannot go unnoticed (van der Veen, 2011).

Target Market

The target market is that of those who are pet owners. They range from 18 to 65 years of age. These individals are prominent within that of the United States and Austraila because in Asian countries animlas are eaten rather than enjoyed in that part of the world (van der Veen, 2011).

Positioning Statement

"Roaring Petfood" is located in New York, New York. This was done as a means in which to reach the east coast individividuals and families that have pets.

Offering to Customers

Custoemrs are offered a number of products to meet their pets needs. He or she is able to buy food for their fish, bird, dog, cat and so forth. These are a means in which to have the best available in order for the animal to live a long life. While at the store, the customer is also able to make sure that he or she can get a flea collar or anything related to this or to get toys for their pet to play with on a regular basis. One is also able to buy food and water bowls as well as beds for their pets to sleep in at night or anytime during the day when the animal is less active (Rompala, 2011).

Price Strategy

The pricing strategy is important when it comes to "Roaring Petfood." The small quantities of food that are at least 8 pounds and are hard will cost a minimal of $10.00. When it comes to the 16 pounds, these are $20.00. This will go for all pets that require this kind of food, such as cats and dogs. However, these animals have soft food as well to eat. The cans will cost $5.00, and the 8 oz.

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cans will cost $12.00. This provides much flexibiilty and it keeps it within market price for each of the pet owners who come in to the store seeking to get more food for their animal (Rompala, 2011).

Now when it comes to fish and bird food. This pricing is quite different. Management will have the prices varied as well. The cans of fish food will cost $15.00 for 16 oz. In regards to the bird food, the price of this is at $20.00 for 20 oz. A person is paying $1 an ounce, and this makes it fair becaue it costs that much to make the can. (van der Veen, 2011).

The price strategy goes with that of the demand set forth by customers and how much is bought daily within the company. This means that the company will keep track of sales through the UPC code and will determine what needs bought next. By approaching it in this manner, the organizatin is able to save money, rather than constantly spending it on unnecessary items. Not only that, but if inflation should occur, then everything will go up at least $1-$3 dollar. Many customer will have to adapt and plan accordingly in order to take care of his or her pet(s) within the household itself besides those that are outdoors. These are all areas the company has to consider because it is a means in which to ensure that the products are made of high quality, and to meet the demands of customers dailly. Management will request feedback from customers on what they think of the prices, but this may not change due to the micro and macro environment of the pet food industy (Rompala, 2011).


The distribution is critical when it comes to selling petfood. "Roaring Petfood" will do the following. Management will ship around the globe in order to meet the needs of others. We will begin in New York and distribute locally for the first two years and then after that the organization will expand to other various markets. These will include China, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, India, Russia, UK, Austrailia and many places that have animals. This does consist of Africa and South America (Rompala, 2011).

Since each location is taxed on sales. Our company will negotiate the exchange rate of our goods and services. We will have distribution centers worldwide on each of the continents except Antartica and the North Pole; since no humans live there unless they are researchers. This indicates that our company is that of an MNE (multinational enterprise). "Roaring Petfood" will also have translators available for the different locations for our executives who are seeking to do business abroad or located their to work in that partiuclar part of the worl for short or long-term assignments. Through these efforts, the organization is able to communicate to its employees what needs done in order to have the food done according to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) standards as well as international laws (Rompala, 2011).

The distribution is quite simple. "Roaring Petfood" is going to use ship and mail large quantities of food to various locations around the world. This will enable us to have a competitive advantage over other businesses within our industry. In fact, the exhange rate should not affect us much because of us having a team of marketing and accounting experts within our busiess. Marketing is based off the culture and the langauge of the people as a means in which to ensure that people get what they need to take care of their pet effectively. If needed, our employees will deliver it in person if a person requested a specific brand of food for their pet (Rompala, 2011).

Sales Strategy

Roaring Petfood will sell the products in a variety of ways. For example, we will use the Internet as a means of reaching those worldwide before distribution centers are in place. This means that we will adapt to various situations around the globe and do whatever is needed to get consumers to know how good our products are for them to buy (Rompala, 2011). After all, 90% of our customers are pet owners, which indicates how much of need is prominent in other countries (van der Veen, 2011).

On the company website, we will have available the different types of food available. This is quite strategic. Our products are categorized based off animals......

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