Strategic Alternatives Identify the Strategies Term Paper

Total Length: 1001 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Again, this is ultimately false. It is evident in the article written by Wolf (2001) that focusing on one option is not effective. Both centers utilized all of the option choices that they were given. This in turn afforded an opportunity to insure that the best choices were being made. The main premise is stated plainly as, cheaper is not always better, always consider all of your options; no particular method is a great fit for every company or organization. In addition, input is always important at every level. Lastly, community involvement is always a key to success when trying to develop an initiative in ones community. (Brockhoff, Chakrabarti, & Kirchgeorg, 1999) Environmental concerns have become an extremely important issue in today's corporations, businesses, etc. It has been stated that environmental factors do play a role in most decision-making strategies, as indicated in Wolf (2001), where both hospitals utilized their environments in order to create an increased utilization of resources by the community. It is important to note that an environment can change so quickly and then there becomes a strong need for a shift in thinking and possibly alternative methods to help that particular company etc. To run efficiently. New York Hospital of Queens and Howard are both witnesses to the key component that the environment plays on the success of ones business, as well, as how this information can be used to either help ones business prosper or fail from lack of utilizing the information gathered.

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The two hospitals made their different choices, based on their subjective analysis. Would you use the same strategies to reach the goals (explain why), would you use different strategies.

I would use the same methods that the two hospitals used. However, I would have attempted to see what other methods; resources etc. may have been beneficial to Howard. Though the cooperative that they created was an efficient means, it seems like there should have also been some other useful methods that could have helped to show more positive results quicker than they did. In any organization, it is important to constantly search for methods and resources that help ones company move forward and better serve the community in which it is located. This was done in Wolf (2001), both organizations looked to their community for answers; they utilized the resources they had and created new methods where they were lacking. This is why those programs and initiatives worked and the same reason why I would follow in those exact same footsteps. If methods are proven to work, you should use them, under the premise of trying to improve upon those methods to better use it within ones organization......

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