Stage I, Stage II, an Stage II Companies Research Paper

Total Length: 798 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Long-Term Success

Six key developmental tasks (Flamholtz & Randle 2012: 11-18)

Identify a market and create a niche

Regardless of whether the market niche is small or large, it is essential for an emergent organization to define the needs of the customer base to distinguish the new product from its competitors. Getting to know the target customer (and the target customer's price point) is an essential component of this stage.

Develop products and services

Defining market needs is only the first step: an appropriate product or service that the likely consumer will desire and can actually use must also be created.

Engage in resource management

As well as producing suitable products and services, the firm must be able to engage in cost-effective production techniques and deploy the resources used in production to their maximum capabilities. This also includes effective use and management of human as well as material resources.

Develop operational systems

Organizations must have standardized operating procedures so they can run seamlessly without constant interference and have enough regular oversight to ensure appropriate quality control.

Develop management systems

All firms must have plans for organizational development. The organization must be future-thinking and also have an overall structure to support all essential functions.

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Manage the corporate culture

An organizational culture clearly influences the output of the institution but it is important not to mistake the articulated corporate culture for what actually exists and how employees perceive they are valued: employees must actually be treated with respect as valued players if they are to truly believe that management cares about their welfare. Actions by management, not slogans create the culture.

Q2. Discuss the keys to success in developing Stage I and Stage II organizations

A Stage I company is still in the pre-functional stage of organizational development. There is often a lack of specialization in terms of the organization's capabilities such as marketing and advertising (Flamholtz & Randle 2012: 211). A good example of a successful organization still at this stage is the popular Internet website BuzzFeed. A relatively new company, the BuzzFeed staff writes the majority of the content while performing other capabilities such as editing and content management for the organization.

A Stage II company has more revenue than a Stage I company and is accruing more income (up to $10 million annually) and has a more refined and specific functional structure (Flamholtz & Randle 2012:….....

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