SPSS Exercise Essay

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SPSS Exercise

Each problem below describes a different research question. For each problem, you will state the null and alternative hypotheses, determine which statistical test is appropriate to answer each question, run the analysis using SPSS and the accompanying data set from Blackboard, and then draw a conclusion based on the results of the analysis. Keep all of your SPSS output from running each analysis.

A researcher wishes to assess whether vitamin C is effective in the treatment of colds. To evaluate her hypothesis, she decides to conduct a 2-year experimental study. She obtains 30 volunteers from undergraduate classes to participate. She randomly assigns an equal number of students to three groups: placebo (group 1), low dose of vitamin C (group 2) and high dose of vitamin C (group 3). In the first and second years of the study, students in all three groups are monitored to assess the number of days with cold symptoms that they have. During the first year, students do not take any pills.
In the second year of the study, students take one of the following: no active ingredient (group 1), low dose of vitamin C (group 2) and high dose of vitamin C (group 3). The dependent variable was the difference between the number of days with cold symptoms from year 1 to year 2 that each participant experienced. Positive number indicate more days with cold symptoms from year 1 to year 2; negative numbers indicate fewer days with cold symptoms from year 1 to year 2. The data for this study is in the data file ex3.sav.

1. Write the null and alternative hypothesis using words or symbols. Be sure to include specific test values where appropriate.

H0: Vitamin C intake has not….....

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