Sprint Nextel PCS the Commercial Thesis

Total Length: 1236 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The Sprint PCS address all kinds of customer categories.

This fact is shown by the product's commercial also. In the ad, the people participating in the successful wireless emailing are representative for all age groups, genders, they seem to have different professions, different levels of education, different types of jobs.

Their appearance also reveals the diversity of the targeted customers. The commercial shows business managers, wearing suits, pensioners, housewives, students, young professionals wearing casual outfits and hairstyles. The mentor of the program is portrayed by a woman around 50 years of age, helping the participants in the program with information and guidance, in a casual, funny way.

Therefore, it is easy to derive from the product's commercial that basically anyone can use the product, that anyone can find important use for the product. Also, given the fact that people are more and more oriented to include the Internet in most of their activities, like professional activities or socializing one, they need to access the Internet wherever they may find themselves at some point. The wireless technology allows for this, and the Sprint PCS is the mean to do it.

The commercial offers the benefits of the product in a very clear manner. The product is easy to use, is fast, just like a computer, like the ad says. As mentioned above, the ad is short, concise, it is clear when presenting the advantages of the product, the problems it addresses. The visualization of the product is also quite clear.

The general marketing strategy that leaves a strong impression on the Sprint PCS Vision and on the entire campaign is represented by branding. Sprint can afford to use branding in order to generate impressive sales, given its advantages. The company's tradition and history speak for the quality of the products, their necessity, their ability to actually help people solve the problems they address.

In other words, the company does not have to invest into proving that the products actually have the advertised quality or the advertised advantages.
These facts have been proven during the company's presence on the market and its success.

The financial power that Sprint has was reflected by the acquisition of Nextel and its transformation and integration within Sprint's business. As a consequence, Sprint has created the idea of a giant for the company, creating a strong impression in consumers' minds. It creates the impression that the company has the technical and financial power to create high quality products designed for helping people.

This also allows Sprint to take the suitable approach to its marketing campaign. The activity of marketing does not refer to developing and providing products and services for consumers, but to providing changing advantages to the needs and requirements of consumers, changes that are constantly modifying (Learn Marketing, 2009).

This is exactly what Sprint PCS's marketing strategy is all about, starting with the product strategy that addressing the growing and changing needs of the customers referring to wireless emailing technology, and continuing with the advertising strategy. The CSI: NY show was selected for airing the Sprint PCS ad because the targeted segments of customers are similar for the show and the company's product.

Reference list:

1. Milestone Events Making Sprint History (2009). Sprint. Retrieved October 31, 2009 from http://www.sprint.com/companyinfo/history/.

2. Lambert, David (2009). CSI: NY: The 5th Season Formally Announced: Street Date, Specs and Cover Art. Retrieved November 1, 2009 from http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/CSI-NY-Season-5/12203.

3. Steinberg, Brian (2009). TV Advertising. Advertising Age. Retrieved November 1, 2009 from http://adage.com/article?article_id=139923.

4. Product Strategies (2009). Learn Marketing. Retrieved November 1, 2009 from http://learnmarketing.net/product.htm.

5. Bulik, B.S. (2004). Sprint Launches $100 Million Ad Campaign. Advertising Age Magazine. Retrieved November 1, 2009 from http://adage.com/results?endeca=1&return=endeca&search_offset=0&search_order_by=score&search_phrase=sprint+pcs+campaign......

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