Speech Outline Term Paper

Total Length: 791 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Speech on Alcoholism and Addiction

Main Points: I. Alcoholism is an addiction, not a character flaw.

Treating alcoholism requires modern rehabilitation methods.

The "Twelve-Step" program advocated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

represents an extremely effective route to recovery.

Central Idea: For centuries, society has viewed addiction to alcohol and other substances as a defect in one's moral fiber, rather than a medical affliction. Modern scientific exploration into the subject of addiction has revealed that alcoholism is actually the result of neurotransmitters in the brain becoming activated, chemical responses throughout the body, genetic influences, and even environmental factors. By revising the widespread belief that addiction to alcohol is one's own "fault," and recognizing the litany of variables which determine whether somebody will be prone to addictive tendencies, the stigma placed on alcoholism may eventually be lifted.


A. For as long as mankind been aware that the actions of an individual are determined by an inherent sense of free will, society has continually ostracized those who remain enslaved by their own impulses and urges. The tragic flaw of addiction has always manifested itself in a variety of forms, from the village drunkard's inability to avoid the allure of the tavern or the gambler's compulsion to wager away his salary, to more modern incarnations such as cigarette smoking, overeating, and even sexual predilections.

1. In his expansive treatise on addiction entitled The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Lance Dodes presents his personal philosophy on physical dependence, seeking to determine the sources of this age old affliction while also providing sensible solutions.

2. The foundation of Dodes' professional and philosophical approach to treating addiction is set forth early in his book, with the controversial assertion that "virtually every addictive act is preceded by a feeling of helplessness or powerlessness," resulting in a subconscious process whereby "addictive behavior functions to repair this underlying feeling of helplessness … because taking the addictive action (or even deciding to take this action) creates a sense of being empowered of taking control -- over 'one's emotional experience and one's life" (2002).

B. This conception of addiction is diametrically opposed to the tenets of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other recovery programs based on the Twelve Step method, and by closely comparing Dodes' work with the literature on which AA….....

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