Special Education Assessment Has Played Term Paper

Total Length: 989 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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"By the 1980s, the field had moved to a functional skills model. As the evidence for this approach mounted, the field refocused on age appropriate skills and knowledge performed in authentic settings and the functional life skills curriculum became best practice. The functional, age-appropriate curricular focus resulted in these students demonstrating skills and knowledge not thought possible earlier" (Quenemoen, 2008).

In the 1990s, added significant new practices were acknowledged as best practice in teaching and learning for students with severe disabilities. The practice of including students with severe disabilities with representative peers in classroom settings for reasons of social inclusion, along with a new focus on self-determination skills, revealed a new approval of the students, and an accepting of values related to social development. The arrival of more complicated assistive technology opened the world of communication for the first time for some students, and improved the ability of teachers and students to work together (Quenemoen, 2008).

The next major shift was that of common curriculum access, as mandated by IDEA 1997, and clarified by NCLB 2001 and IDEA 2004. Academics united earlier precedence's including useful, social inclusion and self resolve in the curriculum for students with severe disabilities across the nation in principle, if not in practice, in all schools.

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"IDEA 1997 required that all children who receive special education services are to have access to and make progress in the general curriculum, but NCLB and IDEA 2004 and subsequent regulatory language for both laws clarified that the general curriculum was defined as based on the same academic standards and expectations that applied to all other students in a given state. Alternate assessments are to be aligned to or connected to in later terminology related to peer review the state content standards in each grade" (Quenemoen, 2008).

Regardless of intentions, each new wave of educational reform has had to face the problem that high-stakes tests strongly influence what is taught. In the early 1990s, supporters for standards used terms like genuine, direct, and performance-based to dispute for fundamentally dissimilar kinds of assessments that would better characterize determined learning goals necessitating multifaceted analysis and expression of skills rather than just recall and recognition of answers. The idea of association between assessments and standards was meant to make sure that assessments would, indeed, gauge learning goals represented in the content standards. Unfortunately, in practice, alignment has been claimed whenever test items fit somewhere within the standards framework rather than asking the more important question of whether they really belong there.....

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