Special Ed Successful Collaboration in Term Paper

Total Length: 796 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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But with the increased importance of state standards in measuring student and school performance, it is crucial that the student's educators be mindful of the most appropriate methods of measuring the child's compliance and that the general educators and special educators increase their collaboration to meet these new challenges. For some special needs students, "alternate assessments were developed and implemented...In 2003, most...states used a portfolio or body of evidence approach in their alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities" (Thompson & Thurlow, 2003) States have also been evolving other methods for students with different types of disabilities to take such exams, including computer-based tests or with modifications, such as being allowed to take lower-level assessments.

Remember, however, that regardless of modifications most students receiving special are required by federal law to access and progress in the general education curriculum, which is aligned with a state's academic content standards and that the child is also required by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) to participate in all large-scale assessments administered by the school district and state, which usually means for most functional students some form of standardized testing.

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"Given the strong linkage to state standards -- both in terms of school accountability and student stakes -- it seems only logical that there should be an equally strong relationship between the content of a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the academic content standards for a student's enrolled grade level," especially in the crucial grade 'clusters' (Cortiella, 2006). This does not mean that curriculums with more individualistic approaches and emphasis need to be abandoned, or that effective programs must be restructured to a standardized one-fits-all stereotype, but that general educators may need to have more input than before, given recent changes in legislation, for most functional special education students.


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