Special ED Term Paper

Total Length: 556 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Norm- Referenced Tests


Criterion-referenced tests make possible the translation of scores in statement form regarding expected behavior of students relating to specific subject matter.

A norm-referenced test (NRT) is an assessment method that estimates the position of the assessed individual in a predefined group in regard to the evaluated trait.

Purpose of Tests

To find out if every student has gained specific skills or concepts.

To determine the level of knowledge of the students before and after instruction.

To rate every student depending on other students achievements in a wider spectra of knowledge

To differentiate and treat with partiality the high and low achievers


Evaluates specific skills that are part of the designated curriculum.

The particular skills are pointed out by instructors as well as experts in curriculum. The skills are identified as teaching objectives.

Evaluates wider spectra of skills that are sampled from a various sources including textbooks, syllabi, and the curriculum expert's assessments.


So as to get sufficient sample of learner performance and to reduce the guessing effect, individual skill is therefore assessed by at least four items. The items that assess the skills differ in difficulty.

Individual skills are usually assessed by less than four items.

These items are distinct and vary in difficulty. They are chosen and discriminate between high and low achievers.


This assessment can be developed at the classroom level. If the standards are not achieved, instructors are able to identify the deficiencies. Individual student performances are independent of those of the other students.

In addition, assessment can be gotten fast in order to give the students reasonable feedback on how they performed. This assessment can also produce….....

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