Should Sony Move Production to US and Europe Case Study

Total Length: 995 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Sony10-3. Why do you think it is important for Sony to manufacture more products in the United States and Europe and to also buy more from suppliers in other countries in Asia?While it is cheaper for Sony to manufacture its products in Asia, there are several reasons why the company should spread its production base to the United States and Europe. First, by manufacturing closer to its major markets, Sony can reduce shipping costs and be more responsive to consumer demands. This would allow the company to improve its business efficiency. There are a number of other benefits of local manufacturing, including the fact that it can create jobs in the local community and boost the local economy (Daniels et al., 2018). However, there are also some challenges that need to be considered, such as the increased risks of transportation disruptions and the need for skilled workers. Still, overall, manufacturing closer to major markets is a strategy that could provide Sony with a number of benefits.Second, a presence in developed markets can help Sony to improve its image and better compete against local brands. Even though Sony is a Japanese company, it has had great success in developed markets around the world. In fact, a presence in these markets is essential for Sony to improve its image and better compete against local brands. By operating in developed markets, Sony can improve its reputation for quality and innovation. This, in turn, will help the company to charge a premium for its products. Moreover, a presence in developed markets will give Sony a better understanding of consumer needs and preferences. This knowledge will be invaluable as the company looks to expand its operations into emerging markets.

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In sum, Sony’s presence in developed markets is critical to its long-term success.Finally, as labor costs in some parts of Asia continue to rise, it makes financial sense for Sony to buy more from suppliers in other countries in Asia where costs are lower. While there are risks…

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…to global economic conditions. If the economies of other major countries are doing well, this is likely to boost demand for Japanese exports and lead to appreciation of the yen. However, if global economic growth slows down, this could put downward pressure on the yen. The Japanese yen is one of the world’s major currencies, and the health of the Japanese economy has a significant impact on global financial markets (Werner, 2015). If the economies of other countries are failing, this will have a negative effect on the Japanese yen because if other countries are in recession, they will import less from Japan, and this will reduce the demand for the yen. Or, if investors lose confidence in other economies, they may sell their assets denominated in those currencies and buy yen-denominated assets as a safe haven. Ultimately, it is also worth monitoring political developments in Japan. If there is increased uncertainty about the country's future direction, this may lead investors to sell off their yen holdings,….....

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