Sociology? According to Giddens (2010) Article Critique

Total Length: 1202 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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What ethical dilemmas do sociologists face?

One dilemma that Sociologists deal with is competence. Many of them do strive to uphold the highest levels of capability in their work. A lot of them try to recognize the limits of their knowledge; and they assume merely those responsibilities for which they are competent by training, education, or knowledge. Sociologists recognize the necessity for continuing education so as to remain professionally competent; and they also apply the suitable scientific, expert, technical, and administrative resources wanted to assure competence in their professional doings. Another dilemma is integrity. Sociologists are fair, honest, and reverent of others in their expert activities -- in teaching, service research, and practice. Sociologists are the ones that do not meaningfully act in ways that risk either their own or others' professional well-being.

What is Culture?

According to Giddens culture is measured by sociologists as something described as the following; the values, practices, beliefs, conducts, and material objects that constitute a people way of life.' Culture in sociology is considered to be the link that among the most separate applies of everyday discussion, and the most extensive organizational and recognized systems that bind states, politics, and religion and also the ideology that goes across space and time.

Globalization Affect Contemporary Culture

Globalization can have an effect on contemporary college in many ways. One of these ways is that is integrates new kinds of ideas and inventions that were not there from the start. This has been going on in the last few years and appears to becoming a way of life. One interpretation makes the suggestion that globalization scatters any and every culture all over the world, making the planet more heterogeneous, falsifying deeper connections among dissimilar groups.

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For instance, teens in the United States gain an accepting of Japanese culture through animation, video games, comic books and while teens during the course of Asia learning about the American way of life by viewing U.S. TV movies and shows. However, according to Giddens others can make the point that globalization makes culture more similar, guiding to a combined world culture that comprises of watered-down forms of local cultural tendencies.

The Challenges of Aging in the United States

When it comes to aging there a lot of challenges that those that are elderly even go through. One of those is in the workplace. Those that are aging go through a lot of discrimination in the workplace because of their age. One of the challenges is having re-invented themselves in their 60s or 70s because they are not seen as being useable on the jobs. Actually, encouraging those that are considered to be the older health care workers to remain in the workforce will require strategies to lodge their changing aptitudes. However, most are not willing to do those things. Keeping the elderly around becomes more of a hindrance than it does a help. As people start to grow older, they then become more probable to obtain a disability or other age-connected health disorder that may decrease their functional volume......

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