Sociological Perspective on Breaking Night Term Paper

Total Length: 1619 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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In Murray's case, this awareness enabled her to turn her life around by focusing on school so that she could earn more money and remove herself from her troubled past.

The ultimate justification for analyzing Murray's autobiography through the lens of conflict theory is, of course, found in the work's ending. Not only is the author a successful writer with a best seller (and all of its financial rewards) to her claim, she has also been able to capitalize off of a made for television movie based on her story and her eventual graduation from Harvard. Although she lost both of her parents in the process, her economic triumph can be further validated by the fact that she owns her own company, and is a business woman who is encouraging other people to realize their goals and overcome their obstacles.

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Murray, in essences, has come from being on the receiving end of a capitalist society to actually capitalizing off of it, which shows the essence of how conflict theory can motivate people to overcome obstacles. This principle is alluded to in Alan Sears' A Good Book, in Theory: A Guide to Theoretical Thinking, which essentially states that a conflict based on inequality can only be overturned through a thorough change in society or within members of that society (34-36). Murray has made that transformation.


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