Societal Institutions Law Politics Education and the Military Term Paper

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Carvin, A. (2008) Wikipedia in the Classroom: Consensus Among Educators? Retrieved October 4, 2009.

The Internet has its advantages and disadvantages. It has greatly increased the amount of information available to people worldwide. At the same time, it has also greatly increased the amount of questionable information disseminated worldwide. As a result, teachers and students alike recognize that it is not always possible to trust online sources. This is even true of Web sites that profess to be "encyclopedias of knowledge" like Wikipedia.

In his article, Carvin writes about his debate with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on how teachers perceive his online resource. Carvin believes that many educators are not that thrilled about the electronic publication, in fact are hostile. Wales, naturally, says he has found the opposite to be true. Who's correct? Actually, those who responded to the controversy are mixed in their opinion about Wikipiedia.

On the whole, the educators said they are not hostile as much as skeptical. Anytime a wide range of authors with myriad backgrounds and levels of experience on subject matter can write articles it can present a problem with consistency and accuracy.

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Most of the comments, in fact, are compromises. In many cases the teachers say they start their instruction process with Wikipedia, especially if the subject is new to them. It provides a good foundation before going into more depth with a more reputable source.

Most of these Wikipedia commentators do agree, however, that the online encyclopedia can be a great learning tool for students in another respect -- teaching them how to dissect online resources to determine whether or not they are worthy of being scholarly sources. The question is not so much whether Wikipedia or any other online (or offline source, for that matter) is reputable. Rather, it is whether or not students have the skills to analyze a source and recognize if it is reputable.

Shaw, D. (Feb./Mar. 2008) Wikipedia in the Newsroom American Journalism Review, Retrieved October 5, 2009.

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