Social Unit a Country: Japan, United Kingdom Essay

Total Length: 773 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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Social unit a country: Japan, United Kingdom You complete assignment order: Step One: Write a paragraph redefines social unit concisely articulates related globalization -- affect affecting. Step Two? Find a total FOUR (4) peer-reviewed sources relate social unit globalization regard culture, population, and environment.

The social unit and the impact of globalization: Japan

Social unit: Japan

Japan has historically been considered a 'closed' nation in relation to the West. As an island, it had the luxury of relative isolation for many years when its leaders wished to shield it from outside influences. After World War II, however, Japan became increasingly subjected to outside influences and became a global economic power even though its military was significantly diminished. Japan has been tremendously influential on the global economy in terms of its corporate managerial philosophy as well as its product base yet it still remains uniquely 'Japanese' in many respects.

Hasegawa, M. (2005). Economic globalization and homelessness in Japan. The American

Behavioral Scientist, 48(8), 989-1012.

Japan has traditionally been a society which has given a great deal of respect to its elders and stressed the need for families to rally around and take care of indigent members.

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The erosion of these values in the wake of globalization and a series of economic shocks has led to a notable increase in homelessness in Japan. The article identifies three significant trends caused by globalization which are associated with an increase in homelessness, namely a "shift from a manufacturing to a service economy, urban redevelopment, and government policy shifts toward deregulation and privatization" versus the creation of a social safety net (Hasegawa 2005).

Kumagai, K. (2013). Floating young men: Globalization and the crisis of masculinity in Japan.

Hagar, 11(1), 157-165,187.

Japan has often been characterized as an extremely masculine and hierarchical culture. Many men are experiencing downward social mobility and enjoy less economic power and clout than their fathers. Thanks to the Japan's recent recession, the percentage of non-regular employment has risen dramatically, undercutting the traditional Japanese male role of breadwinner. This has resulted in a rise of young Japanese men who either drop out of society altogether, often disdaining marriage and focusing instead on virtual rather than real-world activities, as well as a rise of ultra-nationalist sentiment in some quarters.

Moak, S.K., & Musazi, B. (2002). Globalization and competitiveness:.....

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