Social Responsibility and Tobacco Case Study

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ITC Limited Case Study

ITC Limited is one of the leading companies in the India Tobacco industry. The company has capitalized on the opportunity that the large number population of India presents as both a target market and a source of cheap labor to grow its bottom-line tremendously. Over time, the company has grown to diversify its product base with great investments in both agribusiness and the hotel industry. The company prides itself in its social responsibility engagements. It has undertaken a wide range of activities that portrays the company as socially responsible. The company has both the present and future focus on the corporate social responsibility (Ojha, 2017).

ITC Limited has several key attributes that could be considered when analyzing the company's corporate social responsibilities. Firstly, the company has the greatest market share in the tobacco industry in India. The company controls 75% of the Indian tobacco market (Ojha, 2017). As such, the company has a large influence not only in the industry but also in the lives of people in the Indian community. From the growth of the company operations, it continues to provide employment to millions of people in India who would have otherwise remained unemployed.

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The company has employees about 29,000 people across 60 locations spread out in the entire Indian country. Secondly, the company has diversified its product base. The company is cognizant of the health effect of cigarette smoking that forms its core business (Ryden, 2014). As such, the company has sought to diversify its products to include agribusiness products, packaging products, and confectionery products among other products.

The present focus is to add value to both the shareholders and the entire nation within which it operates. Its focus for the country informs the social responsibilities that the company undertakes within the Indian community. The company has put tremendous efforts to safeguard the environment within which it operates (Ojha, 2017). For instance, the company endeavors to use environmentally friendly sources of energy. About 31% of the total energy that the company consumes comes from renewable sources.

The ITC has several strengths as well as weakness. The major strength of the company lies in its focus on social responsibility. The company has undertaken several corporate social responsibilities in the country within which it operates. By portraying itself as a socially responsible business organization, the company has been able to win.....

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