Social Network the Film the Social Network Essay

Total Length: 903 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Social Network

The film The Social Network by director David Fincher tells about the founding of the website "Facebook" which is an internet site that now allows people all over the world to communicate with each other. It started out as a website just for Harvard University and became one of the most popular websites that exist with millions of people who use it every day. The movie is very dramatic and discusses how men can be very greedy and they can abuse their friends and do bad things to people who trusted them so long as it means that they get the things they want out of their lives. In the story of The Social Network the main character is named Mark Zuckerberg and it tells about how he was involved in the founding of the website Facebook and the other people involved too.

In the movie The Social Network, the character of Mark Zuckerberg begins the movie by starting a new website called Facemash where people can rate the girls at Harvard University about whether they are pretty or not. Mark does this because he got dumped by his girlfriend that night at a bar and was feeling very badly about himself and about women too. Mark Zuckerberg wanted to hurt the feelings of women and so he made a website. He is able to create this program in a single night when he is completely drunk which illustrates his intelligence and creativity.

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The website was very popular with all of the students at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. It was so popular that the program started crashing and shutting down some of the servers at the college. Despite the fact that he is drunk, the movie still shows how smart he is, something which will influence his development throughout the rest of the film. It also shows that he knows the kinds of things that people want and can create sites which appeal to other people. If a website is not popular then it cannot become a profitable business. His business smarts and his intellectual brain make him very dangerous when it comes to other people.

In the movie, Mark shows that he is willing to do things which are not moral if he thinks it is something that he wants to do. Mark Zuckerberg meets with some guys named Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and also Divya Narendra who have an idea about a website called Harvard Connection where people can communicate with each other online. Among other things, the people on the website could message each other and friend each other, things which would become connected to the website Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg is asked by….....

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