Smashed Oral Report: Koren Zalickas' Book Report

Total Length: 965 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Drinking lowers inhibitions, makes you feel better about yourself, makes you do things you don't really want to do. All of her drinking eventually ended up with this shy girl, too shy to even look herself in a mirror naked, blacking out after one night of drinking. She woke up, unsure of where she was and if she had sex for the first time. To this day, Koren can't remember her first kiss.

Order a drink with Koren today and she'll order some water or a soda. She's given up drinking, and written a memoir at the age of twenty-four. Already, she's forgotten a lifetime of memories, thanks to using alcohol as a social and emotional crutch. She doesn't blame her parents. Her father, she says, knew how to fix her computer but didn't know how to fix his daughter's sense of neediness, and although her parents grounded her after she ended up in the hospital, she was functional enough to conceal her worst escapades from them. No, Koren didn't end up in a gutter, or dead. Alcohol affected her academic performance, but it didn't make her hopeless at school and work.

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Alcohol did make her life significantly unhappier -- and got her into situations that she never would have found herself in, had she not abused alcohol. Koren has one piece of advice -- don't wait until you become an alcoholic to address your drinking problem. Just because you don't find yourself in the advanced stages of alcoholism doesn't mean you should ignore the fact that you're planning your social life around drinking, and using it to treat issues of self-worth that can't be cured with another shot.


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