Smartups Rob Ryan in His Term Paper

Total Length: 1945 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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(Drucker 68) service business needs to develop a good relationship with customer, and thisc an mean developing a relationship with local clientele while also creating an image that might serve to attract customers more broadly. Delaney notes some of the ways information should be used in achieving this sort of relationship with customers:

To ensure the success of your marketing plan, each of your goals should result in an action plan. For example, if your research shows that your prices are too high, you must have a strategy that lowers them. Otherwise the information is useless. Determine who is responsible for each action plan and what resources you'll need to implement it. (Delaney 120)

Schmit and Allscheid also note the importance of service marketing to business and point out what many companies are doing about the issue:

In the face of current economic realities, U.S. business organizations are searching for ways to remain competitive. One front on which these efforts have been made is that of product and service quality improvement. This has been the case particularly for organizations in the growing service sector. Many of these organizations are searching for practical ways to improve customer satisfaction with both tangible and intangible products and services.
The anticipated result of improved service quality is an improvement in the bottom line of the organization. (Schmit and Allscheid 521)

These are all issues that the entrepreneur must consider as part of the original business plan and then must modify as new data becomes available.

Ryan suggests much of this and does so again and again. His book is extremely repetitive, with variations on the same lesson over and over again. This might be effective for the reader who stays with the discussion through the whole book, and Ryan's style is readable enough to keep the reader's attention. For others, though, the repetition might seem too simplistic and might not be seen as having sufficient development of an argument to satisfy. Essentially, Ryan says that the problem entrepreneurs make is that they are not prepared and do not do their homework. The solution is to be more prepared and to do the homework needed. Much else that he says identifies what sort of data is needed and what is required for an effective plan.


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