Smart Phones Impact on Society Essay

Total Length: 630 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Smart Phones Impact on Society

There are few pieces of technology available today that have has as great an impact on society as smart phones. Placed within its proper context, however, smart phones perhaps epitomize the trends towards mobile communication devices that were initially began in the 1980's with the issuance of pagers. Pagers, of course, eventually heralded the era of cellular telephones, which became immensely popular near the midway point of the final decade of the 20th century. 21st century mobile device technology has widely been led by smart phones, which have cast a considerable influence on education, relationship, morals, the economy and the environment.

From a strictly educational perspective, smart phones are widely used for basic edification purposes as well as for formal scholastic pursuits. Both of these trends are largely accounted for due to their internet access. Students in classrooms (and outside of them) now have instant access to a huge network of information -- much more than could be found in a conventional classroom, and comparable to some of the more exhaustive libraries on the face of the planet.
Indeed, some smart phone users have access to some of these more notable libraries, such as New York University's Elmer Holmes Bobst Library. One of the most popular smart phones is Apple's iPhone, which was swiftly preceded by an enlarged version known as an iPad. Some of the more affluent educational institutions issue their curriculum via iPads instead of utilizing traditional textbooks.

There has been wide debate about the impact of smart phones on personal relationships. On the one hand, these devices permit instant accessibility to any individual virtually anywhere on the earth at any time of day. Some may perceive this attribute as a positive. Yet many find these devices infernally distracting (Gill et al., 2012, p. 105), and believe that they detract from relationships, especially those in 'real time' and….....

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