Small Business Recovery Research Paper

Total Length: 1309 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Recovery From Disaster

There can be occurrence of incidences in a small business that prevent the business from its normal operations. These incidences can be such as floods, fires or even serious malfunctioning of the computers or incidences of information security. It is the responsibility of business management to help the business recover from these incidences in the least time possible, with the least disruptions and minimal cost. Small business owners should therefore be interested in best practices in disaster planning so that they can reduce risks in case of the occurrence of a disaster (Walzer, 2009). Every business ought to have a disaster plan that is comprehensive, it is quite unfortunate that most businesses view developing disaster plans as being tedious and time consuming. It is very important for any business to have a disaster plan so that incase disaster strikes they have a framework of bouncing back into business with no problems whatsoever.

Starting point

It is very important for every business to take the development as well as maintenance of business disaster recovery very seriously. This is not a task that can be left until each and every person has the time to deal with it. Disasters can affect the business any time and it is not easy to make predictions on occurrence of these disasters. Therefore, a disaster plan should always be there. The contingency plan has to be developed by a team which should be a representation of the organization's functional areas. The plan should be supported and approved by the top managers of the business down to the employees.

Assessing impact

The first task when it comes to development of a disaster plan is preparing a comprehensive list containing incidences that are potentially serious and can affect the business normal operation. The list should encompass all possible incidences regardless of how remote their likelihood of occurrence is. The manager or the project team should ensure that they indicate a probability rating against the listed items.
The potential impact of the incident should also be rated for the potential severity level impact of the listed items. With this information it will be easier for the plan to be framed in context of the organization's real needs.

Plan development

The structure of the plan is to be established after a successful assessment has been done. There will be milestones within the plan that need to be overcome so as to move the business from the disrupted state and ensure that it returns to its normal operations. The first milestone is dealing with the immediate impact of the disaster. This involves interventions from trained specialists and emergency services who are trained in dealing with such extreme situations. The next stage is the determination of the critical business functions that have to resume and the particular order of the urgency. It is a neccesitity to have a detailed plan which identifies key individuals who should all be familiar with the duties bestowed upon them within the plan (Beal, 2012).

Testing the plan

After successful developing of the plan it should be rigorously tested. The process of testing should be planned and carried out in an environment that is suitable so that authentic conditions can be reproduced .Those to undertake the activities stated in the plan are the same people who should test it. There should be a documentation of the test procedures and recording of results also done. This is important since the feedback obtained can be used to make the necessary changes in the plan. The actual plan and contingency should both be audited as well as backup arrangements made just as a precaution.

Personnel training

This is dependent on a successful testing and auditing of the plan. Personnel should be informed on the content of the plan as well as their duties and responsibilities pertaining to the plan. It is very important for all employees to take seriously disaster recovery….....

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