Skills Are Very Important for Term Paper

Total Length: 407 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Sources of information that I find useful for understanding what successful presentation skills entail for public administrators

There are several sources that I find useful for understanding what successful presentation skills entail.The most important of these peer-reviewed journals like the works of Longo and (Tierney,2012),Kimm and Kenyon (2002).I also rely on websites and book on communication skills.

How I assess my presentation skills

I basically assess my presentation skills from the feedback I get from my peers and students.

Part B

Do you feel the same way?

Yes I do.

Share examples of good presentations and bad presentations.

Examples of good presentations are the ones having definition, an introduction, main body and a conclusion. They also must have sounds and some forms of animation.bad ones lack all the above mentioned qualities.

What design principles and guidelines will you use for your presentation?

I design my presentation to match the theme of discussion and the nature of my audience. They must be supported by peer-reviewed journals......

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