Shoulder Held Rifles and Tactics Term Paper

Total Length: 2092 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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The first world war effectively drilled into Europe and America the terror of modern rifle-based warfare. Rifles could keep people penned in their trenches, or kill anything that moved out of them. Rifle-defended trenches were highly effective at stopping invasions (a fact that the American South should have considered during the Civil War), but one could make very few advances from them. However, by the time of the second world war, the lessons of the rifles had been relatively well learned. In preparing for the next war, Germany invented "lightening strike" capacities, focusing on mobility and range and suppressive fire. "Speed, and still more speed, and always speed was the secret.
.. And that demanded audacity, more audacity and always audacity." During that war, cover was provided for the rifle-bearing infantry by planes and tanks, and once a hole was made in defenses, infantry could pass through without running a gauntlet of rifle fire. Tanks seem like the only reasonable answer to rifles in terms of fielding a good invasion, for only armored vehicles or individuals could safely march across an open field towards a trench or fortress defended by rifles......

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