Shopkeepers Millennium: Society and Revivials Book Review

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One in which a person that does not put on effort or is corrupt should be return to the good path. The mission and goal that more and more had in mind was to work hard in order to remake society as God wanted it to be. Johnson shows that the power of religion, but most of all, the power of a personal and group that, if with the right motivation, can change society's face.

Johnson proposes in the beginning of the book, as well as the end, that the early 19th century industrial reform of society was fought with religious weapons. Business, in order to retain power and to influence on its own terms the functioning of the modern society, began to envisage ways in which to convince the others. One of them was religion, through which the middle class became what is now bourgeois or democratic. Business and the middle class was able to create moral rules that, as Johnson describes, become social autonomous rules. He uses in his analysis Emile Durkheim's theories that religious beliefs and social activities are interconnected. Yet in this case, as in others, Johnson goes even deeper into arguing that business, or entrepreneurs, were the first beneficiaries of these religious tools, even if a plan was not necessarily established to use religion solely for that purpose.

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As developments continued in Rochester and elsewhere in the United States where religion played a role in creating the new economic framework, Johnson's analysis proves accurate and explains not only the reasons behind the religious revival but also the way in which the new modern class gained control of society despite a larger working class against it. Religion, but most of all, the way it was used, created a community that acted united for a common goal: that of creating a society based on morality and free agent. Besides arguing in a very comprehensive way for this thesis, the author also offers an insight into a community's power of influence when the level of engagement and group mission is high. Changing and converting people began to be easy as people were empowered and given the sentiment that their work will create a better society.

Paul Johnson convincingly argues in his book that religion and revivals helped for an easier transition in America towards industrial capitalism. The author has clearly presented how and why social shifts occurred in the region of New York and most of all, how these were given a certain path by the tools that religion had to offer......

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