Shape the Kind of Person Essay

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This is something that had I had a passion for over the course of my life. However, like most young adults, I was not sure about a good choice for a career path. After I came of out the Army is when all of this would change, as the experiences helped me to decide what direction I should go. Since that time, my levels of academic achievements have been outstanding. This is because of the experiences that I had in the Army, helped to give me the skills to improve my concentration. At which point, I became a well rounded student, who truly understood what he wanted in life.

I believe that I am good candidate for the scholarship, because I have been through the ups and downs of life. As the experiences of the past, have shaped who I became and how I would live. This created a basic foundation of knowing how to be successful, through applying a sense of values.

When you put these different elements together, they are showing how I have the ability to overcome a host of adversities, in order to achieve my goals.
This is something that most people have not been through. As they have the academic credentials, yet are lacking real world experience. In my case, I have better a record and the experience to help me excel. This has improved my levels of achievement, as the various tools that I have learned throughout the course of my life are something I can rely on.

In many ways, one could argue that this is what makes me an ideal candidate for the scholarship. As I have: the passion, motivation and discipline to be successful in the world of business. Over the course of time, I believe that these experiences will help me to quickly climb to the upper echelons of management and society. As these lessons that I have learned during the course of my life, has taught me that anything is possible. The key is being able to remain focused and peruse those areas that you are….....

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