Sexual Predators Online Sexual Predators Essay

Total Length: 1637 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Moreover, the television show uses the same tactics that law enforcement does when they want to catch sexual predators online. Both law enforcement and the staff of "To Catch a Predator" pretend to be young people. By playing the same game as the sexual predator, police are effectively capturing criminals before they get away with their crimes. Although sneaky, the method of luring sexual predators using their own game is one of the most effective ways of preventing the problem. Knowing they can get easily caught, the sexual predator might think twice before befriending a new child.

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Using this method of capturing criminals, law enforcement can prevent predators from victimizing young people psychologically, sexually and violently.

Sexual predators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In Canada, the law "makes it a criminal offense to use the Internet to lure or exploit children for sexual purposes," (Media Awareness Network). The same laws should exist in the United States, where any attempt to seduce a minor should be treated as a major criminal offense.


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