Sexual Practices of All Groups Term Paper

Total Length: 1089 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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The vaginal fluids that may contain the infection are shared freely between partners. This also is the same with anal penetration. Oral sex between partners also is a source of transmission, particularly oral vaginal to kissing on the mouth. Rubbing against each other leads to transmission of vaginal fluids. Another practice that can lead to transmission of STDs is the lack of hand washing during sex. As with heterosexual sex and with gay men sex, the practice of having sex with unknown partners is a great risk. Not knowing the person you are having sex with certainly increases the risk that the partner has had sex with an HIV infected person. This is particularly true of bisexual women. Risky behavior occurs in each strata of sexual orientation. Drugs and alcohol lead to risky behavior, multiple partners and the lack of hygiene while engaging in the sex act.

All of this points to the fact that lesbian women have to develop a better knowledge base about what risks they are facing while engaging in sex. In a study performed by Marrazzo, Coffey and Bingham, it was discovered that lesbian and bisexual women have an increased incidence of bacterial vaginosis (Marrazzo, et al., 2005). They also found that there was not much effort made to clean sex toys between partners or wash their hands between partners. Additionally, there was a misconception that penetration must occur to spread disease. The women in their study had a minimal amount of knowledge about the STDs that they were at risk for acquiring and although they would accept the use of barriers such as gloves or condoms to prevent disease, the risk would need to be evident, such as a known infection was present.
They also found that although the incidence of bacterial vaginosis was rather high, there was very little knowledge about the infection and how it was spread (Marrazzo, et al., 2005).

When looking towards the future it becomes apparent that more education is needed in order to promote good health for lesbian and bisexual women. Women in these groups have the misconception that they have a low risk of acquiring STDs and in fact, may not need to worry as heterosexual women do. More communication is needed between sex partners in this group as well as in the lesbian and bisexual community as well in order to decrease the transmission incidence. Additionally, there is crossover with this group, particularly the bisexual group, which can lead to the increase of HIV / AIDS, which is primarily known as a gay men heterosexual disease. At a time when HIV / AIDS is claiming so many lives worldwide, this is a real concern. The lack of education of practitioners and sexual participants can be devastating.

Reference List

Hillier, S. & Holmes, KK. (1999). Bacterial vaginosis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, third ed., 563-586.

Institute of Medicine. (1990). Lesbian Health: Current Assessment and Directions for the Future, Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.

Marrazzo, J., Coffey, P. & Bingham, a. (2005). Sexual practices, risk perception and knowledge of sexually transmitted disease risk among lesbian and bisexual women, Perspectives on Sexual and….....

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