Setting the Stage of Outsourcing Term Paper

Total Length: 1807 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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One of the key ways organizations are saving money is by outsourcing tasks, whether small or non-business critical tasks or large, important strategic development projects.

There are many steps vital to the success of an outsourced project, plan or organization. In this case the company is taking steps to outsource business critical administrative and clerical tasks. To achieve these goals successfully, the organization must follow a seven step model proposed by Greaver (1999). Greaver points out there are many reasons to outsource, and many factors involved that cannot be overlooked. Outsourcing may result in enhanced organizational flexibility and effectiveness, organizational transformation, improved product and service value and improved operational performance (Greaver, 1999).

Despite these potential benefits, outsourcing often fails when not properly planned, implemented, evaluated and maintained (Khanna & Randolph, 2005). HR executives play a key role in helping organizations plan and transition for outsourcing. Their role includes vendor selection, organizational change and management of communications surrounding outsourcing activities. The more communication occurring within the organization, the more likely each phase of outsourcing is to succeed, and the more likely the organization is to benefit from outsourcing its business critical functions. Outsourcing can be extremely beneficial. In this case, outsourcing critical administrative tasks will add more diversity to the organization while encouraging greater efficiency and attainment of key organizational objectives......

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