Send Out Cards Essay

Total Length: 935 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Strategic Plan

In the last several years, the greeting card industry has been continually transforming itself. This is taking place with more providers offering cliental the option of having them sent out to them electronically or through traditional print methods. According to a study conducted by IBIS World, the sector for electronic distribution is expected to increase by 2.3% within the next three to eight years. This means that there are tremendous opportunities for new firms and upstarts. ("Online Greeting Card Sales," 2014)

In the case of send out cards, the firm is at the crossroads for reaching out to cliental and offering them with unique solutions. To fully understand the way this is occurring requires focusing on how they can send out a card to stakeholders from their mobile devices. This will be accomplished by carefully examining the organization's vision / mission / strategies, conducting an external analysis and performing an internal study of the various sources that will be utilized. Together, these different elements will highlight how the firm can provide cliental with something more. This is when the research will be more focused in meeting these objectives.

Outline the research approach you will use for your Strategic Plan

The basic approach that will be utilized is the quantitative method. This is when there will be an examination of resources such as websites, journal and books. The basic idea is to understand which factors are influencing the way various pieces of information are presented and the long-term impacts on the sector.
This is when specific insights will be provided showing how the company can meet the growing demands of customers inside the sector.

Show how you intend to ensure the organization's vision, mission, and people strategies and values statements are aligned with the proposed strategic plan.

Send Out Cards has a unique business model. This involves the company allowing customers to create their own cards and have them mailed out to someone. Evidence of this can be seen with the company saying, "Our unique online greeting card and gift system enables people to act quickly on their promptings and we find joy in providing a tool that has proven to change countless lives time and time again. In less than 60 seconds, you can choose your custom card, add a personal photo, write your heartfelt, inspirational, or cheerful message and click send. We print, stuff, stamp and mail your personalized greeting cards to any postal address anywhere in the world, all for less than the average price of a greeting card at the store. Our gift selection is icing on the cake to this great service and allows you to go the extra mile to bring about another smile." ("About Send Out Cards," 2014)

Their mission provides cliental with unique solutions which are not available….....

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