Self-Evaluation Upon the Approach of Essay

Total Length: 579 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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I anticipate that the classroom dynamics which can prove to be so unpredictable will require the preparation gained here.

This belief is underscored by the application level experiences availed by our course studies. The translation of the spectrum of theoretical teaching models into a strategy for curriculum would require me to assess different instructional approaches as they relate to my own personal style. Quite to the point, as I would reflect on this part of my experience in approaching the benchmark assessment for this course, I would come to appreciate the importance of remaining true to one's strengths and skills. During the process of application in such areas as composition, testing of knowledge and the initial phases of lesson plan development, I would come to appreciate the importance of selecting pedagogical strategies which correspond to my particular virtues as an educator.

The demonstration dimension of my course studies would demand the integration of my theoretical education with my personal strengths to the execution of actionable teaching strategies. Here, I found myself particularly comfortable with and enthusiastic about the dynamic and sometimes fast-paced atmosphere of the classroom. I am especially at ease with the notion of bringing a lesson plan to a classroom that simultaneously refers to proven models of learning-instruction and remains flexible enough to meet the always shifting demands of individual students and the collective classroom.

Ultimately, as we approach the benchmark assessment, I find myself pleased with the theoretical and practical instruments with which the course has provided me and, even more so, excited about the long-term process of honing these instruments in an actual classroom setting......

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