Self-Assessment Using the Self-Assessment to Determine Innate Essay

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Using the self-assessment to determine innate and emerging strengths in the area of project management provides insights not easily determined any other way. It is difficult for anyone to accurately and objective assess their own strengths and weaknesses, which makes the self-assessment framework so valuable as a means to objectively measure one's abilities. An innate strength of any effective leader is the continual maturation of their Emotional Intelligence (EI), including have a grasp of their innate strengths, weaknesses and area for improvement (Nicholas, Hidding, 2010). The assessment has provided these insights and provides a foundation future leadership development through the continual addressing weaknesses and fine-tuning of strengths. The experience completing the assessment was insightful and very positive in that it provided valuable guidance on areas of weakness that need to be addressed, and brought out areas of strength not expected. The assessment provided a roadmap for continual management and leadership skills development and also provided guidance on how to balance my level of experience today as well. The most valuable aspect of the assessment is the long-term perspective it forces one to take in terms of development.

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These are all very valuable from a long-term career development standpoint as well.

Peer-based feedback that is also invaluable in creating an effective long-term leadership development strategy. It is common for managers and leaders to presume their intentions, actions and words are delivered with clarity and complete fidelity yet in the majority of cases this is not the case (Roy, Bernier, Danis, 2010). Having peer reviews periodically help to bridge the gaps between intention and perceived action. The most effective strategies for improving project management and leadership abilities and skills are predicated on 360-degree feedback including candied assessments from peers as well (Roy, Bernier, Danis, 2010). Table 1: Analysis of Skills, provides the results of the survey.

Table 1: Analysis of Skills

Analysis of Strengths

My areas of innate strengths were rated higher by my peers than by myself, and these areas included" Ability to recognize what you don't know and figure out how to get….....

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