999 Search Results for Teacher Growth and Development

Technology Learning is One of Term Paper

The 1992 sessions, for example, consisted of approximately twenty-five pupils between 10 and 15 years of age who were mainly drawn from the Seattle area, plus about a dozen staff members. The daily timetable was organized around activities such as Continue Reading...

Paolo Freire Has Been Noted to Be Essay

Paolo Freire has been noted to be one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century and responsible for a tremendous amount of philosophical thought and meditations on consciousness and the human condition. Reading Freire's "Pedagogy of the Op Continue Reading...

Educational Leadership Term Paper

Educational Leadership in Latino Students Flow of Information: Introduction/Preliminary Lit Analysis Status of Performance of Latino Students Why Study Latinos? Why the Latino Performance is Low? How to change the situation? Los Angeles Specif Continue Reading...

Individual Philosophy of Education Essay

Personal Philosophy of Education One of the most important elements in teaching practice is developing a personal educational philosophy that guides practices in the classroom and shape the decision-making process. My personal educational philosophy Continue Reading...

Study Skills and Why They Thesis

This also refers to the false impression that cramming is a successful learning technique. As this study notes; "…it is much better to create an interval between the times you study an item" ( Glenn, 2007, p. 2). Similarly, a study entitled Sm Continue Reading...

Math Education Article Review

Children Learn Math education, over the precedent years has been a contentious issue plaguing society at large. Many students, as they enter their preliminary schooling years, often have difficulty learning basic mathematical concepts. These diffic Continue Reading...

Early Childhood Education is a Essay

Early childhood educators need to make a thorough study of the background family and community relationship in which a child is growing up. The findings of such investigations can then be used to optimize the teaching process and dissolve any negati Continue Reading...

Online Learning Term Paper

Online Learning What is the future of distance learning (including online learning as well as distance alternatives to internet delivered instruction)? The future of distance learning is often viewed in black and white terms -- that is, that online Continue Reading...

Literacy Garden The Concept of Term Paper

We therefore envision the Holy Cross Literacy Garden as an immensely beneficial social and educational community resource that will benefit not only our parish but the entire community. However, planning, developing, constructing, planting, and mai Continue Reading...

Narrative Statement Purpose Admission Essay

individual's professional career path is unique and characteristic of that person's various experiences. I believe I've used my personal successes and occasional failures to reveal my own specific traits that can serve the common good while ultimate Continue Reading...

Educated Person Term Paper

Educated Person The definition of education is not universal; nor is the definition of an educated person. In some cultures, education may mean being well-versed in age-old magical rituals, herbal lore, and spiritual healing. In others, education ma Continue Reading...

Educational Philosophy Research Paper

Philosophy of Education The objective of this study is to articulate a personal philosophy of education noting specifics in belief in the areas of worldview foundations. The philosophic foundations will include metaphysical beliefs and epistemologic Continue Reading...