998 Search Results for Nutrition Is the Study of

Diet and Heart Disease In Research Paper

, 2002). A body mass index was also taken. Participants were then followed for eight years to track the incidence of myocardial infarction and death. Conclusions of the Study Results of this study demonstrated an incidence of 4.3% of myocardial inf Continue Reading...

Leptin is a Protein Whose Thesis

As has been seen in this essay, leptin plays a very important role in not only obesity issues but also related issues. While the results of clinical trials have produced mixed results, there is however room for additional work in assessing the role Continue Reading...

Nursing Obesity An Overview of Term Paper

Drug dosing is often based overall on the "volume of distribution for the loading dose and on the clearance for maintenance, with volume of distribution being increased if drug is distributed among lean and fat tissues (Casati & Putzu, 2005). C Continue Reading...

Dash Diet Term Paper

DASH Diet An intake plan, which is intended to reduce the blood pressure, is the DASH. DASH is the short form for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet lowers the blood pressure and thus helps in checking and controlling high blood Continue Reading...

Heart Disease Has Long Been Term Paper

According to the article, diet and exercise proved to be effect in study participants in Amsterdam (Hitti 2005). The study was conducted with 360 participants ages 13-36, researchers wanted to see which subjects contracted metabolic syndrome (Hitti Continue Reading...

Genetics Type 2 Diabetes Term Paper

1.Health. Diabetes can be inherited. Type 1 diabetes is something that can develop in early adulthood, specifically adolescence. Symptoms for onset of the disease include excessive thirst, frequent urination, and blurred vision (Florez, 2016). The pa Continue Reading...

Family Health Research Paper

Family Health The X Family Family X consists of a father, mother, and two children (ages seven and nine). Both parents work as lawyers but the mother is able to work partially at home, which gives her more time to care for her children when they co Continue Reading...

Michael Pollan is an American Essay

The poor is stereotypically painted as haggard and lean and the wealthy CEO (and so forth) as fat and obese, for his very indolence and lack of sluggishness makes him so. Personal counter argument To arrive at conclusions on any major issue, credi Continue Reading...

Heart Disease is Not a Thesis

In fact, dietary lipids, serum cholesterol, and sodium are linked directly with heart disease. Diets high in sodium lead to hypertension, or high blood pressure, which is also linked with the malady. Thus, a decrease in the amount of saturated fat a Continue Reading...

Outcomes Evaluation Term Paper

Obesity Study Evaluations Evaluating the program's progress and results will be an ongoing concern for this study; many of the tools necessary to do so are relatively simple to create and implement. The process for doing so includes both quantitati Continue Reading...

Born to Be Big Childhood Term Paper

People can exercise their free choice at the grocery store by choosing organic foods, although because of generally higher costs of organic products, this will not be a solution for everyone. People in lower socioeconomic groups often get food at di Continue Reading...

Diet and Heart Disease Over Article Review

Once this takes place, it will provide the most accurate results. ("Comparative Method," 2010) What is the possibility of bias entering the study? If the study is susceptible to bias, state and explain the type of bias that may enter the study and Continue Reading...

Cardiovascular Health A Nurse with Thesis

"Participants were instructed to drink no more than 3 caffeinated beverages and no more than 2 alcoholic beverages per day" (pg. 2457). Two features from this study that stand out when compared to the previous study (as read about earlier) was that Continue Reading...

Spurlock Supersize Me A Bit Research Paper

obesity rates were 5% higher among the ninth graders whose schools were within one-tenth of a mile of a pizza, burger or other popular fast-food outlet, compared with students attending schools farther away from fast-food stores" (Rabin 2009). This Continue Reading...

Research Questions and Terms In Term Paper

Key terms to be considered in this process will be those concerning a developed understanding of the purpose of the study from a health perspective. Therefore, this section should provide the study with a clear identification of those terms which wi Continue Reading...

Middle Range Theory Research Paper

Range Theory Scenario Jill Watson is an employee of Telecommunication Company and has been working for the company for approximately 7 years. Within the past few years, Jill has organized numerous health-fairs as well as countless health help sess Continue Reading...

Supplements, Fatigue and Lethargy Essay

Supplements, Fatigue and Lethargy DO THEY HELP? Vitamin E (p 1- 1.5) Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and antioxidant, which inhibits the production of reactive oxygen species or ROS when fat is oxidized (NIH, 2013). The body produces ROS when i Continue Reading...