995 Search Results for Gender Issues

Gender and Culture in Crime Essay

Culture, Race, and Ethnicity: Gender in Criminal Justice Since the criminal justice field was founded in the 20th century, it has increasingly focused not only crime and what causes it but also on the ways in which crime is perceived, perpetuated an Continue Reading...

Gender and Kinship Essay

Kinship There are many different models that currently exist of kinship and gender. Traditionally approaches to gender and kinship focused on biological and folk models. Kinship and gender models have gone through profound changes in the last few de Continue Reading...

Gender on Career Choice Today Term Paper

. . . Some scholars believe that the transformation of the schoolteacher role from male to female was so complete that teaching was irrevocably feminized" (Decorse & Vogtle, 1997, p. 37). Likewise, the new technologies represented by the typewri Continue Reading...

Gender and Sociology Chapter

Men from the Girls: The Gendered Language of Televised Sports, Michael Messner, Margaret Carlisle Duncan, and Kerry Jensen discuss the different ways that men and women are presented in television broadcasts of sporting events. To do this, they anal Continue Reading...

Gender Love Feminism Bell Hooks Essay

Part One A. Describe the gender-specific relationship between men, women and love. How is it different? Why? How does gender socialization contribute to these masculine and feminine roles in relationship to love and relationships in general? Pre-emin Continue Reading...

Gender-Identity-and-Lgbt Chapter

LGBT Equality/Community The Theme of LGBT LGBT is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. This umbrella term emphasizes a range of gender identity/sexuality-based cultures. Non-cis-genders or non-heterosexuals are also occasionally Continue Reading...

Gender and Race Essay

Race and Sexuality The Booysen rape case is quite enlightening since it uncovers legal suppositions of how before the law was subject to mediation by race and more particularly over determined by interception of blackness and femaleness properties. Continue Reading...

Gender Crime Essay

Gender and Crime Problem of Equality in the Criminal Justice System Why Women Need Special Gender Specific Programs in Prison Some of the biggest hurdles the criminal justice system faces in implementing programs and policies that effectively address Continue Reading...

Gender and Sexuality Term Paper

Carol Christ talks about women creating and publicizing the concept of a 'Goddess' and the popularity f the Goddess concept for women, particularly given that the male 'God' has been created by a male populace who has created God in his image and oft Continue Reading...

Gender Dysphoria Treatment Essay

Essay Topic Examples 1. Comparing the Efficacy of Psychological Therapies versus Hormonal Treatments for Gender Dysphoria This essay could examine the effectiveness of psychological therapies (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoanalys Continue Reading...

Gender Inequality is One That Term Paper

For example, some women in the contemporary society question the natural order of things such as the man being the head of a family unit. I strongly feel that a world without family unit would be full of chaos. This is because even the simplest defi Continue Reading...

Gender of the Perpetrator Has Term Paper

The first issue is the gender of the suspect. Research found if the suspect is a female she is les apt to be viewed as a predator, or a threat to children. This can be noted in several recent cases in the United States in which attractive female t Continue Reading...


Joey Romero San Andreas is a disaster movie that details the events of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami. The film shows acts of heroism and many fatalities. San Andreas first introduced the protagonist, Raymond as a first-responder, saving the Continue Reading...

Issues in Change Management Essay

HRM Change Management for WalMart The commercial environment in which firms compete is forever changing. Internal and external forces stimulate a need for change; firms that fail to change and adapt are likely to stagnate and suffer as a result of Continue Reading...

Issue of Paternity Leave Essay

Paternity leave has emerged as one of the debatable issues in today's society, especially because of the changing nature of the modern workplace. Generally, many new fathers tend to return to work after celebrating the birth of their newborns. Father Continue Reading...

Meditation on Gender Essay

Gender reflection: On identifying with a particular gender Until I took a class in critical theory, I never gave much thought to my gender. I am sure that some of this is by virtue of being a straight male. I have female friends who have experienced Continue Reading...