652 Search Results for Addiction and the Brain

Women and Drugs Essay

Female Substance Abusers and Addicts Heroin is a highly addictive substance which is characterized by a rush of biophysiological symptoms such as a rush or feeling of euphoria, heaviness in one's extremities and a certain element of dry mouth (rehab Continue Reading...

Marijuana Why the Topic is Thesis

In addition to its effects on the body, marijuana also has distinct neurological actions. The primary psychoactive chemical in marijuana is delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol, or THC. THC content in marijuana varies greatly, which is one of the reasons w Continue Reading...

Drugs There Are Several Major Term Paper

The legalization of cocaine in any field would only make it easier to get, and therefore raise levels of illicit use. Cocaine should continue to be a fully illegal substance. 2a. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are usually administered at first in Continue Reading...

Cause and Effect of Alcohol Term Paper

Furthermore, alcoholism causes brain damage and "thiamine deficiency is a common occurrence in people with alcoholism" (NIAA 2004). The fact that brain damage is caused by excessive alcohol abuse is a serious concern and one which cannot be overlook Continue Reading...

Steroid Use Controversies of the Term Paper

e., their use of anabolic steroids (and whether they had ever been offered steroids), their involvement in power sports, appearance and eating problems, and problem behavior. Background information about the participants included their degree of urba Continue Reading...

Treating Trauma Children Chapter

Effects of TraumaPart 1a. What are your thoughts and reactions to this case? How does this case not follow the FTS (Family Therapeutic Services) model?The permanency worker did not understand what was required to make the interstate transfer, and the Continue Reading...

Drug Abuse Literature Review

Impact of Drug Abuse on School Children Aged 10 To 18 in Developed Countries (U.S., Canada, France, England, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, Japan and China): Narrative Literature Review Introduction The problem addressed in this literature review Continue Reading...

Social Work Assessment From My Assessment

Therefore, today's society in the United States is diverse, which is something a social worker needs to understand and know how to deal with each diverse group. Furthermore, through research, it has been discovered most ethnic groups that live in th Continue Reading...

ADHD Children United States Term Paper

Introduction Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral childhood disorders with 5% of school children being affected by the disorder (Czamara, Tiesler, Kohbock et al., 2013). According to the DSM-V (201 Continue Reading...

A Case Study on Rosa Lee Case Study

Rosa Lee Cunningham. Elements such as the subject's health history, legal history, psychosocial history, and diagnostic impressions will be covered. Rosa Lee Cunningham DOB/Age: October 7, 1936 Date of Interview: October 7, 1994 Evaluator: Reas Continue Reading...

Hydrocodone As a Painkiller Essay

Hydrocodone: An overview of a highly addictive drug If you have ever had a cough and taken over-the-counter medications, you know sometimes Tylenol and gargling with salt water is not enough to alleviate the discomfort and the nagging unpleasantness Continue Reading...

Poppy Production in Afghanistan Essay

Target Recommendations The current opium irradiation program in Afghanistan is failing to address the long-term challenges impacting the country (i.e. poverty, a lack of economic opportunities and corruption). This is resulting in the Taliban and or Continue Reading...

Letter to the Editor Does Essay

Clearly there is an addiction problem here in Orange, Connecticut, and one can safely assume the same problem is persistent in Orange, California, and Orange, Florida. Pew Research reports that one in three teens sends more than 100 text messages - Continue Reading...

Hypnosis is Shrouded in Myth Essay

Scientific research has proven how valuable hypnosis is in relieving the symptoms of mental and physical ailments. However, the open state of mind that hypnosis creates can be misused and abused. One area in which abuse is possible is in the planti Continue Reading...

Depression Caused by Steroid Use Term Paper

The affects of precursory steroidal compounds is difficult to determine due to differences in how adolescent bodies process them, but they may have an impact on social behavior similar to steroidal compounds, therefore, use of these substances will Continue Reading...

Criminal Justice Substance Abuse Term Paper

Substance abuse greatly impacts many, if not all, aspects of an individual's life and is typically linked to behavioral, economic, educational, legal, medical, psychological, public health, and social problems. In the past 10-15 years, attention has Continue Reading...

War on Drugs Essay

War on Drugs Futile Failing and Nefariously Linked to the War on Terror Effectiveness of the War on Drugs Outline I. Introduction A. History of drugs, cross-cultural perspective 1. Opium wars 2. Since Nixon, the modern “war on drugs” 3. H Continue Reading...

Morphine Has Properties That May Assessment

At this stage, the drug produces no more depressive effects. Morphine has different effects at various concentrations The depressive curve is used to show the bad effect of morphine. It shows the concenrtaion of morphine over time before it become Continue Reading...

Drinking with Younger Jews Dissertation

Parenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth Ross Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling, College, January, 2008 Clinical Psychology Anticipated; December, 2016 The health hazards that are associated with adolescent Continue Reading...

Analyzing Dual Diagnosis on Alan

Dual Diagnosis on Alan Substance abuse is a problem that affects not just people but the society at large. It is defined as negative behaviour that has a negative impact on both the individual concerned and the society. Alan suffers from substance a Continue Reading...