1000 Search Results for Military and Moral Influences That

Sallust In His Historical Writings, Thesis

] In 46 B.C., once again Sallust was given an opportunity to shine or fail, as he was made a practor and sailed to Circina where he proved himself by stealing the enemies' stores. In return, Caesar rewarded Sallust with the title of proconsular gove Continue Reading...

Sallust Is the Saying, "What Thesis

In Bellum Iugurthinum he claimed that the state will gain more advantage from his otium than from the negotium of contemporary politicians SALLUST'S HISTORICAL WORKS Sallust wrote several historical works, but the two monographs that remain intact Continue Reading...

Chinese Atrocities in 1939 and Thesis

Over 1,000 Chinese witnesses came forth to testify in the trials which lasted until February of 1947 after the Chinese government posted notices in Nanking regarding the need for credible witnesses, (Chang 1997:170). Unlike the Nuremburg Trials, how Continue Reading...

George Bush and the Gulf War Term Paper

1990 Gulf War, but, given the subsequent perspective of the U.S. external policy during the following years, the actions that followed, the current war in Iraq, with its own justifications, bring a new light into the Middle East problem and the U.S. Continue Reading...

Business Ethics in the Fire Research Paper

2). These are important issues because fire chiefs are routinely confronted with actual ethical dilemmas that involve conflicting or competing public and private values as well as corresponding conflicting professional responsibilities (Haraway & Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice System Do You Term Paper

In principle, the United States should follow international treaties only if it is a signatory to that specific treaty. However, the Supreme Court of the United States cannot ignore international standards completely either. There are several reaso Continue Reading...

Red Badge of Courage and Nabokov on Essay

Red Badge of Courage and Nabokov on "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" One of the easiest ways to understand how literature can implicitly function as propaganda in the service of the powerful is to imagine Henry Fleming, the main character of Stephen Crane's Continue Reading...

First Amendment Rules for the Essay

The media has brought many important issues to life for the American public. For example, during the American civil rights movement, many areas of the country that had been hesitant to endorse full equality for African-Americans were horrified when Continue Reading...

Cohn Erasmus Machiavelli Term Paper

Cohn, Erasmus and Machiavelli Political theory inevitably arise from the influences which affect a society at the time of their formation. During the time which communist leaders ruled Russia with an iron fist, the social order, or lack thereof, dem Continue Reading...

Iran a Path Towards Rapprochement Term Paper

Iran: A Path towards Rapprochement The problem that the United States is facing with Iran is related to the problem that it had with Iraq and has in part with Afghanistan. One of the problems is the judgment of the administration that Iran is not do Continue Reading...

Machiavelli's Concept of the Prince Essay

Lao-Tzu's concept of Tao Te Ching The Lao-Tzu's concept of Tao Te Ching is fundamental to leadership and management in various societies of the world. Lao Tzu exemplifies various responses and characteristics that should be dominant in every leade Continue Reading...

Ender's Game -- from Being Term Paper

History makes it possible for one to understand how the masses can be persuaded to adopt particular attitudes by being provided with manipulative information. People lose the ability to discover when they are being controlled as they are provided w Continue Reading...

Anachronism Universal Peace and the Essay

They investigate on the nature of virtue and pleasure but they concentrate on the happiness of man and what it is made up of. They uphold that man's happiness consists mainly in the good type of pleasure. They derive arguments from religious princip Continue Reading...

Ancient Greek Olympics and Their Term Paper

As Richard Polidoro and Uriel Simri (1996) write, " Most of the athletes participating in the Games of 676 BC probably came from various Peloponnesian districts and had a relatively short distance to travel. Some participants, however, may have tra Continue Reading...

French Foreign Legion Term Paper

French Foreign Legion l. Jones The French Foreign Legion For many, the French Foreign Legion evokes images of adventure, perhaps men traipsing over sand dunes in khaki knickers, and flapped white hats -- tough, and a bit, shall we say, unorthodox i Continue Reading...

Market Driven Management Term Paper

Pharmaceutical industries have to operate in an environment that is highly competitive and subject to a wide variety of internal and external constraints. In recent times, there has been an increasing trend to reduce the cost of operation while compe Continue Reading...