998 Search Results for Assessment and Special Education

Planned Method of Student Assessment Thesis

Here, it would be possible to establish a range of categories and subcategories relating to student socialization, academic performance, emotional development, improvement and a host of other crucial learning and developmental areas. The great value Continue Reading...

Popular Form of Assessment? Do Essay

Although a student may have learning challenges, the teacher may still be able to see demonstrable improvement within critical skill sets. Portfolios give teachers an indication as to what aspects of the educational process are working for each, spe Continue Reading...

John Dewey and Education Theory Term Paper

How many value-added units is the teacher-scholar producing?" and, Van Luchene continues, "Lip service is paid to educational considerations beyond quantitative measures... [and because of that] we stand to lose the vitality of our educational syste Continue Reading...

Distance Education In Assessing the Thesis

independent study. It is still a broadcast-related approach to teaching and doesn't give the student an opportunity to fully participate in the learning process. Telecourses are ideal for reaching thousands or millions of students who are motivated Continue Reading...

Multicultural Education Term Paper

New York City Multicultural Education Multicultural education Multi-Cultural Education in New York City Aspirations to be an educator, a teacher in the diversity of the New York City Schools must realize that considerations are school-wide focused Continue Reading...

Public Education and the Public Term Paper

society that the public may claim a greater intellectual stake in than public education. Not only is the process of educating the next generation (at least in public schools) undertaken at the expense of most residents, but it also concerns us in a Continue Reading...

Control Over Education Modular 6: Essay

Furthermore, despite contentions that the United States' education system is based upon a schema of local and state control, advocates of a more nationalized approach point out that the father of public schools, Horace Mann, saw the "common schools" Continue Reading...

Cultural Child Aged Assessment

The Psychological Development of VLIntroductionThis paper describes the psychological development of a young girl named VL. At the age of 3 years and 11 months, VL is vibrant, talkative, curious, engaging and enthusiastic. She has boundless energy, a Continue Reading...

ADHD to 89985 SPECIAL NEEDS Term Paper

The high energy level and subsequent behavior are often misperceived as purposeful noncompliance when, in fact, they may be a manifestation of the disorder and require specific interventions." (U.S. Department of Education, 2003) Children with ADHD Continue Reading...

Character-Education-and-God Chapter

Biblical principles that are related to our intellectual and spiritual education. They have a basis in the Bible (both the New and the Old Testament) and can be applied to our lives in many ways. Often times, as is shown in this paper, our own exper Continue Reading...

Physical Education Lesson Plan Term Paper

Physical Education Lesson Plan One of the more overwhelming needs of society today is without a doubt to effectively address and curb the ever-present danger of childhood obesity. Without a doubt, childhood obesity is one of the biggest health conce Continue Reading...

Teacher Performance Assessment Essay

Lesson Plan Grade Level: 7th Grade Subject: Science Number of Students: 4 Date: Instructional Location: Classroom Lesson Goals • Lesson Title: Science Central Focus of Lessons: What science is all about State Standard(s) Addressed: 7th Gra Continue Reading...

Accounting for Special Evaluations Essay

Realities of Alternate Assessments The information contained in the readings in Module/Week 7 pertains to some of the realities of alternate assessments. Specifically, these readings indicate that it is not infrequent, particularly when working with Continue Reading...

Reflective Assessment Capstone Project

Work-based learning is generally conceptualized as a way of enabling students to merge what they learn in the classroom with tasks in the workplace. Typical examples of work-based learning include student internships and jobs. However, over the cours Continue Reading...

Rural Education in the United Term Paper

Because the teacher salaries in rural areas are generally lower than in urban areas, more highly educated teachers tend to opt for positions in urban areas. A possible lack of proper education can then influence a teacher's ability to identify the s Continue Reading...