596 Search Results for Philosophical Approaches to Ethics I Did Not

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Essay

Mudra did not act according to this principle when he ignored the warning signs of Daniel's condition. The best course of action would therefore have been a focus on beneficence/non-maleficence rather than upon respect for autonomy. Daniel's age is Continue Reading...

Religion This Work Looks at Term Paper

' Religion is belief in the existence of a supreme being while science is a study to explain the how. The main conflict of these two disciplines begins with the concept of life. Religion explains that God is the creator and giver of life, whereas sc Continue Reading...

Morality and the Claims of Essay

Moreover, caring for her mother, the other option, would surely: a) create a feeling of being "unfulfilled" which brings with it depression and resentfulness; b) leave her with nothing to look forward to but the dark day when her mother actually pa Continue Reading...

Jeremy Bentham Term Paper

For instance, some action by the government could produce numerous pleasures for a small portion of the population, or it could produce a small bit of pleasure for the entire populous; Bentham seems to endorse both outcomes, but it is easy to imagin Continue Reading...

Final Portfolio Project Essay

Ileana Final Portfolio Bioethics Final This portfolio documents performance of key class and personal objectives for HU280-01: Bioethics 1103C, specifically analytical skill building, knowledge acquisition and practical application. The samples dem Continue Reading...

Western Ethical Theories Research Paper

Western Ethical Theories The objective of this work is to examine Western Ethical theories including teleological, deontological, natural law, and interest view and virtue ethics. The work of Bennett-Woods (2005) states that while the words 'ethics Continue Reading...

Ethical Theory Term Paper

Deontology and Consequentialism An Analysis of "Rightness" from Deontological and Teleological Perspectives Deontological ethics stems from the notion that one is obliged by duty to behave in a "moral" manner. There are a number of theories that ra Continue Reading...

Ethical Theory Term Paper

Moral realism and the sceptical arguments from Disagreement and Queerness." The discussion which Brink starts regards moral realism. He argues that J.L. Mackie who suggested that there are arguments which demonstrate that the concept of moral object Continue Reading...

Ethical Guidelines In "Do Ethical Essay

Complicating matters further is the fact raised by Eriksson et al. (2008) that when doctors, psychiatrists, and other health care workers operate as a team the guidelines established by their individual professional organizations may clash. Thus, g Continue Reading...

Aristotle States That There is Term Paper

This is why exercise is needed. I believe that practice is fundamental for the solidification of a virtuous character. I still fail to see how people could still be considered possessors of virtue if they do not apply it (the intentionality factor i Continue Reading...

Alan Gewirth and Human Rights Term Paper

Alan Gewirth and Human Rights The philosophical concepts of human rights are many and varied. Yet, one of the theories that stands out the most in both approach and application is that of Alan Gewirth. His work demonstrates and ideal that has often Continue Reading...

Powerful Antibiotics in Order to Essay

This was an extremely unethical move, because in many cases the parents had no idea their child was partaking in a study, Another example of the unethical decisions made by Pfizer was the move not to remove many children off the experimental drug w Continue Reading...

Hume -- Morals Crasto In Term Paper

Parenting is a challenging occupation. Indeed, how a parent raises his or her child is the cumulative result of the mental and emotional character of the parent, the background of the parent, the financial circumstances of the parent, how the parent Continue Reading...

Personal Ethical Questionnaire Do My Essay

As Spoor (2007) points out, it can be fruitful to examine alternative ethical and moral codes. Am I taking a consequentialist approach (the ends justify the means)? Banks (2008) delineates the ways law enforcement officers often use a consequentia Continue Reading...

Moral Philosophy The Title 'Moral Term Paper

(Ethics: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) In essence, it can be said that moral philosophy is the field in which questions about what is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong are all dealt with, in addition to certain moral princi Continue Reading...

Stoicism What Are the Basic Tenets of Essay

Stoicism What are the basic tenets of Stoicism and how might Stoicism be considered as a mid - point between Cynicism and Hedonism? The basic tenets of Stoicism preached control over the passions: they thought that reason or rationality could be im Continue Reading...

Enron Fraud

Introduction Enron was one of the biggest business collapses, and one of the most egregious incidents during a period in the early 2000s when investor faith in the securities system was shaken by a series of scandals. The scandals varied in terms of Continue Reading...

Ethical Egoism and Abortion Research Paper

Ethical Egoism & Abortion Ethical egoism, as a philosophical position, holds that it is an ethical obligation for people to act in their own self-interest. How does this philosophical position deal with the debate over the morality of abortion? Continue Reading...