226 Search Results for NYC 1930s Politics in

WWI & WW2 Comparing and Term Paper

The U.S. emerged as a leading superpower and the sole nuclear power in the world, determined to play a leading role in international politics. The post-Second World War era saw the start of a prolonged Cold War in which the U.S. competed for politic Continue Reading...

Reunification on the German State Term Paper

In this regard, Bartee (2000) points out that the Leipzig protest of January 15, 1989, was a good example of how social protest in the East was becoming more sophisticated and organized, with thousands of activists distributing leaflets calling for Continue Reading...

French Revolution 1789-1791 Term Paper

French Revolution was the greatest revolution of the 18th century. It was the revolution that started the modern era of politics and had its origins in the financial problems of the government. In the 1770s and 1780s, a protracted war with England l Continue Reading...

Picasso Pablo Picasso Was a Research Paper

Classicism and surrealism After the World War 1, neoclassical style of artwork was seen by Picasso. The paintings done by Picasso in this period were akin to the work done of Ingres and Raphael. It was in the 1930s when harlequin was substituted w Continue Reading...

Rock and Roll Clearly Music Term Paper

He encourages people to come aboard a train being engineered in "weirdo abandon" by musicians who "dramatized a sense of what it is to be American" (1987, p. 10). Christgau, another writer who sees the correlation between this music and the greater Continue Reading...

Death in Spanish Literature While Term Paper

In his novels he focused on characters, motivations, and reactions to the forces around his characters. He realistically examined Spanish politics, economy, religion, and family through the eyes of the middle class, addressing the cruelty of human b Continue Reading...

Film History Term Paper

movie industry in America has been controlled by some of the monolithic companies which not only provided a place for making the movies, but also made the movies themselves and then distributed it throughout the entire country. These are movie compa Continue Reading...

Alcohol Tobacco and Fire Arms ATF Term Paper

Alcohol tobacco and fire arms (A.T.F) In the federal government, in one way, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is a brand new agency with a new mission, new name and a new place. On the other hand, the status of the agency in t Continue Reading...

Economic-Recession-and-Moses Chapter

Fiorello Laguardia: Robert Moses Fiorello La Guardia took part in American politics. He was the New York Mayor, and then a Congress member from 1916 to 1918 and then from 1922-1930. Robert Moses, a Town Planner, worked predominantly for the Metropo Continue Reading...

May Fourth Movement and the Term Paper

20. China must consult Japan whenever foreign capital is needed in improving the infrastructure of Fukien Province. 21. China must give Japanese the right to preach in China. On May Fourth, some 3,000 students from Peking University and other sch Continue Reading...

Truman Japan Potsdam and the Bomb Thesis

Marilyn Alsaadi Dr. Megan Sethi Mokusatsu: Translation Blunders and the Atomic Bomb The motive behind President Harry Truman's decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan is one of those most debated topics of 20th century history. Much attention i Continue Reading...

Latin Kings and Young Lords Research Paper

Puerto Rican Gangs in Chicago The history of Puerto Rican gangs in Chicago is indelibly linked to politics. Many gang members of today might forget that fact, but the origins of those gangs and some of the more fundamental aspects of their formation Continue Reading...

Electricity Restructuring Term Paper

Electricity Restructuring Restructuring of the electricity industry has been approached with a top-down approach that has failed to result in benefits to consumers. Economic theory states guidance on conditions that are essential for well-functionin Continue Reading...

Rastafarianism Term Paper

..the Rastas have now penetrated the middle class. At present, the overwhelming majority of members are African, but there are also Chinese, East Indians, Afro-Chinese, Afro-Jews, mulattoes, and a few whites. Rastafarians are predominantly ex-Christi Continue Reading...

History of Federal Aid to Term Paper

The National Defense Education Act was the outcome of a bill that was present before the Sputnik scare. While the categorical aid as described in the 1958 and 1965 legislation allowed some room for negotiations on the state-church issue, it yet fac Continue Reading...

Air Pollution Term Paper

Air Pollution: A Testament to Human History Air pollution is woven throughout the fabric of our modern life. A by-product of the manner in which we build our cities, air pollution is waste remaining from the ways we produce our goods, transport ours Continue Reading...

German Ideology and Propaganda Term Paper

Hitler's Ideology And Propaganda All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to." Thus wrote Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, while serving a prison sentence in t Continue Reading...

Historiography of East Asia: The Term Paper

These gang-related activities had a negative effect on the very industries on which Macau depended for much of its economic activity, and tourism dropped by almost 10% in 1998 (Kurtlantzick 1). A Macanese resident summed up the situation thusly: "I Continue Reading...

Genocide Despite the Fact That Term Paper

Additional countries, such as Argentina, Czech Republic, Chile, Slovak Republic, Spain, Balearic Islands and the Vatican made a Holodomor declaration. Russia continues to be complete denial and is utilizing it political influence to refute that this Continue Reading...

African-Americans-and-Americans Essay

Government Impact the Lives of Individuals Between 1900 and 1945, the United States was characterized by major demographic, technological and economic changes, which took Americans to the moon. These changes greatly altered the ways that Americans l Continue Reading...

Social Black Experience Research Paper

" (Adams et al.) What the report went on to show was how a decades long deception was practiced on a race that was viewed primarily as a guinea pig for medical science. The Tuskegee Institute had been established by Booker T. Washington. Claude McK Continue Reading...