999 Search Results for Gender Issues

Gender in Dr. Strangelove Stanley Thesis

The 1964 film Dr. Strangelove uses the context of Cold War brinksmanship in order to uncover a more fundamental problem with patriarchy and the maintenance of a destructive masculinity. This masculinity is under threat as a result of sexual frustra Continue Reading...

Gender in Islamic Culture Barbara Thesis

Their freedom of movement was by no means restrained by the new law and it only aimed at providing protection for them when outside their homes (idem). Once Islam expanded into new territories, it met new cultures and borrowed some of the customs i Continue Reading...

Genders and Linguistics Many Studies Essay

Women speak more dramatically and colorfully than men. But they are a phenomenon of gender rather than a biological consequence. Amos (2012) proposes that the body language expressions of the sexes depend on their distinctive behaviors and purposes. Continue Reading...

Gender Norms Society and Sexuality Essay

Gender is socially constructed. Whereas biological sex can be considered immutable in most cases, gender is mainly constructed to indicate role function and status. From birth, children are classified into the gender binary, as being male or female. Continue Reading...

Gender Roles TV Gender Roles Term Paper

These roles however do not reflect women's status in society, nor do they reflect society's beliefs about equality and gender roles. Women who hold executive positions still earn less than men (Glascock, 2001) do. Women are also viewed unfavorably w Continue Reading...

Gender Gap and Science For Term Paper

Research professionals find two principal groups of gender barriers that confront women in the science and technology classroom: disabling stereotypes regarding gender suitable behavior, and explicit and implicit gender partialities inside the class Continue Reading...

Gender The Role of Stereotypes in the Essay

Gender The role of stereotypes in the selection and acceptance of female leaders. As Carter & Silva (2010) point out, there are several stereotypes about women's behavior and goals that influences the selection and acceptance of female leaders. Continue Reading...

Gender Identity Beauty and the Term Paper

" (Barry, 36) He continues to suggest that women shouldn't care what they look like either. He says that women may say they are obsessed with looks because men want them to be, but argues that (a) women shouldn't be idiots just because men are, and ( Continue Reading...

Gender and Race in Gordimer and Smith Thesis

Gender and Race in Gordimer and Smith In "Country Lovers" and "What It's Like to be a Black Girl (For Those of You Who Aren't)," Nadine Gordimer and Patricia Smith, respectively, demonstrate that issues of race and ethnicity are issues that are devo Continue Reading...

Gender Differences in Business Essay

Gender Attitudes in Business Students An Analysis of Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes Relative to Gender and Professions Significance and Conclusion There is a body of evidence that suggests many disparities in the representation of gender in certai Continue Reading...

Gender Pay Discrimination in the Thesis

"(National Bureau of Economic Research, 2001) Analysis of this period was conducted with data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and findings indicate that women "were able to more than overcome the effect of adverse shifts in overall wage struc Continue Reading...

Gendering of Medicine: How Have Term Paper

The ranks of male nurses may be growing, but social perceptions have not. Thus, while much has changed in terms of expanding the ranks of the healthcare profession to nontraditional gender roles in all fields of medicine, perceptions that females a Continue Reading...

Gender and Islam Religion is Term Paper

In fact in some instances women are not even treated like human beings. However, in other parts of the world Muslim women enjoy relative equality and freedom. It is important to recognize that not all Muslims are extremists or violent towards women. Continue Reading...

Gender Equality Has Been an Term Paper

This does not mean, however, that money is not important, because having enough money for female recruitment and scholarships allows many more women to excel at sports programs at many different colleges and universities. Some female coaches have a Continue Reading...

Gender and Language Men and Thesis

These and other linguistic phenomenon can be traced to social status issues, just as the class notes suggest. I would further hypothesize that uncertainty in women's speech is directly related to women's lower social status vs. men. Women are socia Continue Reading...

Gender Policies in Japan and Term Paper

This legislation passed in 1999, this bill is one of 16 "basic laws" that are enacted in order to "address fundamental issues of the state system creating connections between the Constitution" in Japan and the legislative process itself. It clearly Continue Reading...

Gender Roles in 17th Century Essay

In Wilmot's power the woman stays weak and never takes charge. There are many underlying issues that that are uncovered in the treatment of gender roles within the society in which these poems were written. Men are expected to have a voracious appe Continue Reading...

Dichotomy of Our Gender System Term Paper

" Following on the heels of Michel Foucault, Butler situates the dichotomous conceptualization of gender as a product of discourse, just as Foucault (1990) realized that homo- and heterosexuality were both discursive products. The maintenance of coh Continue Reading...

Nationalism, Gender, And the Nation Thesis

But help is on the way. A Belgian theologian is cited as saying: 'It is important and healthy for women, for families, for societies, that we are dealing with the return of the human male, almost from the dead'." (2007) It is interesting to note tha Continue Reading...

Relation Sex Gender Essay

Sex and Gender: Why Killermann et al. View the Traditional Gender Binary as “Sick” In his TedX talk, Sam Killermann explains that sexuality and gender are two different things: “one does not dictate the other,” he says. Instea Continue Reading...

Boys and Girls' Gender Differences Essay

Toys RU.S. - Gender Issues Boys / Girls Angela Mantz Gender Issues in Children's Toys A survey of the children's section of the department store reveals fundamental differences in the types of toys available to male and female children. The toys Continue Reading...