306 Search Results for Criminal Justice Race Class Gender

Women and the Death Penalty Term Paper

Women and the Death Penalty Analysis An Analysis of the Historical Effect of Gender and Race on the Application of the Death Penalty in the United States While the debate over capital punishment continues to rage in the United States, questions of Continue Reading...

Hate Crimes The Definition of Term Paper

C. By Michael Shively (June, 2005), the first hate crime laws were enacted during the sixties, seventies, and eighties. The first states to pass hate crime legislation were Oregon and Washington in 1981. The first federal hate crime legislation, Shiv Continue Reading...

Treatment of Rape Victims and Term Paper

When viewed from that perspective, it becomes understandable that a jury could not eliminate the second story beyond a reasonable doubt, and, therefore, had to acquit Michael of the crime. Psychological treatment of suspect Given America's complex Continue Reading...

Hate Crimes Historical Origins of Term Paper

In the case of an extreme situation, such as the death or near death of another, intentionality is a clear indicator of culpability and should be constitutionally supported. The constitution is a litmus of the culture and open violation of the inten Continue Reading...

Chinatown is a Vision of Term Paper

But apparently, he reached it many years before the film depicts him -- at least by Gittes summation. At a pivotal moment in the film, Gittes asks Cross why he did it and says, "How much better can you eat? What can you buy that you can't already af Continue Reading...

Racial Disparity Although We Have Thesis

This type of conviction also conveniently disenfranchises the poor of whatever minority from voting if they are convicted felons, and conveniently prohibiting the right to bear arms, or harsher sentencing if they do. These effects of the initial ca Continue Reading...

Women at Five State Prison Term Paper

5%, compared to 4.8% for males). (Chesney-Lind, 1998, p. 66) The author also re-confirms the fact that data regarding of female inmate's indicate that as cited the passage of increased penalties for drug offenses has certainly been a major factor in Continue Reading...

Women Offenders Term Paper

delineation of the research hypotheses. The chapter will conclude with an outline of the remaining chapters. Relevant Background Information Increasingly, female offenders and issues associated with their incarceration have been identified as a pr Continue Reading...

War on Drugs Essay

War on Drugs Futile Failing and Nefariously Linked to the War on Terror Effectiveness of the War on Drugs Outline I. Introduction A. History of drugs, cross-cultural perspective 1. Opium wars 2. Since Nixon, the modern “war on drugs” 3. H Continue Reading...

United States Has the Highest Rate of Essay

United States has the highest rate of confinement of prisoners per 100,000 population than any other Western country. Analyze this phenomena and discuss actions that you feel are necessary to combat this problem. The United States currently has the Continue Reading...

Police Discretion Refers to Any Term Paper

Furthermore, there is often a veil of silence from witnesses in these types of assaults, which makes investigation very difficult. However, when an officer exercises the discretion to treat these incidents as lesser-crimes, he reinforces the devalua Continue Reading...

Offshoots of Strain Theory Term Paper

Strain Theory The subject of strain theory is a very hot topic in the public, psychology and otherwise scholarly spheres. Indeed, academic search engines are teeming with reports, studies and summaries of strain theory in all of its forms, functions Continue Reading...

Social Institutions Research Paper

SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND African-American How do major social institutions contribute to the creation and preservation of race, gender and social class status arrangements? The purpose of this paper is to explore the experiences of women of color fo Continue Reading...