76 Search Results for Gospel Accounts of the Passion

Mythical Christ Objects Term Paper

Spear of Destany The history of civilization is full of legends and myths that have cut across cultural barriers and are nowadays some of the most well-known stories related to the old times of religion and civilization. One of these myths include, Continue Reading...

Violence and the Cross An Essay

Gustavo Gutierrez did just that in Latin America, employing Marxist analysis to interpret the Jesus' teachings in the Gospel. Gutierrez founded Liberation Theology, which is, essentially, the twentieth century take on Violence and the Cross. Christ Continue Reading...

Biblical Preaching Robinson Book Review

Haddon W. Robinson first published Biblical Preaching in 1980. The book quickly became a classic in its field because of Robinson’s straightforward writing style and his ability to synthesize the necessary ingredients for an effective, scriptur Continue Reading...

Bible Deals Trauma Stories Essay

Course Outline and Lesson PlanObjective: At the end of this course, students will be able to define trauma and be aware of its implications on biblical studies.Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to engage in small group discuss Continue Reading...

Pessimism in Poetry Pessimism in Term Paper

" The point made by the poet is similar to the poem above. The reference to John, The Father of our souls, shall be, John tells us, doth not yet appear; is a reference to the Book of Revelations, at the end of the Bible. That despite the promises Continue Reading...

Luther Rice and Adoniram Judson Term Paper

A further development in American Baptism was the evolution of its missionary organization. The rapid growth of missionary zeal, partly as a result of the many accounts by missionaries such as the Judsons, soon resulted in more than one societal min Continue Reading...

Matthew 1:1-17 The Book of Thesis

" The phrase appears to assume that everyone refers to Jesus in this way, without reservation and without doubt. Although the many conflicts involving the Pharisees and Sadducees later in the book prove this not to be in fact the case, Matthew's cert Continue Reading...

Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz An Analysis Term Paper

" Moreover, Malachi Martin describes the theology as "a freeing from political oppression, economic want, and misery here on earth. More specifically still…a freeing from political domination by the capitalism of the United States." Furthermo Continue Reading...

Difficult, and Not Totally Secure, Essay

Particularly post war era women entered the workforce in huge numbers but there were many hindrances in their way as they tried to secure their credit. They had to found for the ownership of property as well as equal right to employment opportuniti Continue Reading...

Islam and Christianity Overlap by Thesis

The lower part, which was created first, consisted originally of a single earth which God then split into seven. The seven earths are arranged one above another like a stack of plates; we inhabit the top one, and the devil the bottom one, which is h Continue Reading...

Use the Name of the Program Term Paper

Millions of moviegoers who saw Mel Gibson's 2004 film Passion of the Christ were inundated with gory images of a man's bloody and beaten body, images that have been handed down through the centuries in Christian iconography and literature. The contro Continue Reading...

Greed in Society Term Paper

greed in our society, its deteriorating impact on our society and ways to curtail the same. The Works Cited five sources in MLA format. Greed in Society Greed! Greed! Greed! This is all that we observe around us in business dealings, in institutio Continue Reading...

Effect of Forgiveness on Health Thesis

forgiveness on human health. In its simplest form, the purpose of the study is to evaluate human psychological stress that might constitute a risk factor for heart disease. Further, the study will also evaluate the impact of forgiveness on heart dise Continue Reading...

Thomas More's Utopia Holds a Term Paper

The literary methods that More employs are analogous to those utilized by Galileo Galilei just over a half century later. Galileo also approached a delicate subject with regard to the Church in a hypothetical and fictitious manner. He had uncovered Continue Reading...

Crusades Refer to a Series Term Paper

Kilij Arslan, having seen saw how easily his army had defeated the Frank invaders at minimal cost, grossly underestimated at his great cost the much more disciplined and formidable European crusading armies that followed. (McFall 5, "Ill-Fated Crusa Continue Reading...

Giotto's Art Pieces Term Paper

Giotto's Kiss Of Judas Giotto's depiction of the Kiss of Judas, on the wall of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, was painted in the early years of the fourteenth century -- it is a religious illustration, meant to gloss the moment in Christ's Passion d Continue Reading...

Change The Writings of Dr. Thesis

If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. The tortuous road which has led from Montgomery, Alabama to Oslo bears witness to Continue Reading...

Mormons The Church of Jesus Essay

Stenhouse demonstrates remarkable insight into the gender roles and norms that plural marriage entails. The marriage is qualitatively different than a monogamous one. As Stenhouse notes, the husband "aims to be looked upon more as a ruler than as th Continue Reading...

St. Faustina and the Devine Term Paper

..the devils were full of hatred for me, but they had to obey me at the command of God, What I have written is but a pale shadow of the things I saw. But I noticed one thing: That most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell Continue Reading...

Charlie Parker Term Paper

Charlie Parker Music: The music of United States changed significantly during the twentieth century, and each generation went on to develop its own music. These were all immensely popular, had strong rhythmic touch and were very different from the Continue Reading...