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The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Illinois and argued that the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to protect against race discrimination only…" Gibson, 2007, Background to Muller v. Oregon section ¶ 1). The Court ruled that Continue Reading...

Human Justice Can Never Be Term Paper

Since homosexual couples are not allowed to get married, health insurance benefits are not available through these means. Additionally, gay and lesbian patients face particular prejudice from "homophobic" health care providers, and may avoid seeking Continue Reading...

Social Justice and Children Thesis

He then went to work for the family business, lived in a nice home and drove a nice car, but had no reported income. Since the birth of their child, who is now a teenager, he has contributed virtually nothing to the child's support, though his mothe Continue Reading...

Ethical or Social Justice Essay

Aboriginal people are the Indians who live in Canada. Over the years, they have been characterized by poor living conditions, low social status, poverty, discrimination, and social injustices. Government organizations should be on the front ensuring Continue Reading...

Social Justice Essay

Social justice is a multifaceted and complex concept that has evolved over time to embody ideals of fairness, equality, and human rights within societies. It encompasses a wide range of issues such as economic equality, access to education, health ca Continue Reading...

What Black Lives Matter Means Essay

Black Lives Matter is a social movement facilitated by social media, which critiques multiple forms of injustice and disparity. The movement can be viewed as the latest in a string of attempts to achieve racial parity and universal civil rights in th Continue Reading...

Black Lives Matter Essay

One of the most significant social movements that has emerged within the past few years is #BlackLivesMatter. #BlackLivesMatter is a social justice movement focusing on issues like police brutality and disparities in the criminal justice system, as w Continue Reading...

Alan Gewirth and Human Rights Term Paper

Alan Gewirth and Human Rights The philosophical concepts of human rights are many and varied. Yet, one of the theories that stands out the most in both approach and application is that of Alan Gewirth. His work demonstrates and ideal that has often Continue Reading...

Evolution Behaviorism Early Psychology Essay

The Origins of Behaviorism: A Synthesis Paper Introduction Although behaviorism is now considered part of psychology, the scientific study of human behavior started out as its own investigative field. In fact, early behaviorists actively endeavored Continue Reading...

Government Ethics Research Paper

Ethics Criminal justice is an inherently ethical profession. The judiciary ostensibly crafts laws that reflect the ethical sensibilities and social norms of the society, which are often embedded in the American Constitution. The role of the criminal Continue Reading...

Racial Bias in Sentencing Do Thesis

It is not known if the bias found among males also exists among women. This study will address both the gap in methodology and the lack of studies regarding women. It will contribute to the existing body of evidence by filling in these important gap Continue Reading...

Theories and Theorists Essay

Criminology Theories and Theorists Theorists in the field of criminal justice: Howard Becker and Robert Agnew The field of sociology has been extremely influential in shaping our concept of criminal justice in the 20th century. Rather than focusi Continue Reading...

Crime On March 9th, 2013, Two New Term Paper

Crime On March 9th, 2013, two New York City police officers shot and killed a sixteen-year-old Kimani Gray, and claimed afterward that he had brandished a handgun at them after being told to show his hands (Goodman, 2013). More remarkable than the N Continue Reading...

Discretionary Power Essay

Discretion in the Legal System Discretion arises any time an actor in the criminal justice system has a choice about how to treat a suspect. At a very basic level, even witnesses to crimes exercise discretion, because they choose whether or not to r Continue Reading...

Three Strikes Laws From the Term Paper

Therefore, by increasing the costs of imprisonment by the three strikes law, it is intended that there will be less crime. Marwell and Moody express several difficulties with the laws in the 24 states: Criminals are not always aware of the laws, at Continue Reading...

America's Top Cop Reversed the Book Review

and, who knows, maybe even the country" (pg. xi). Bratton's highly inspirational language demonstrates that while although there are problems with the current system as it is, these problems can indeed be fixed. The reader is made to feel that despi Continue Reading...


" (Lindsey, 2004, p.1) it is interesting to note that one of the young protestors stated: "[the world leaders] are sitting over there on Sea Island having their little party only talking about how to fix things, but we are over here actually doing so Continue Reading...