1000 Search Results for United States From Its Beginnings

Ponca Indians The History of Term Paper

The precariousness of their relationship with the Dakota was evidenced in 1843, when "the Omaha and the Ponca were considering a union, 'to live together as one people' [….] no doubt as a defensive strategy against the Dakota" (Wishart 1994, 8 Continue Reading...

Group Therapy Case Study John Case Study

In understanding further that the session referenced is focused on imparting ways in which group members may improve their own lives, group members additionally view John not as a friend but as an enemy capable only of passing judgment upon them. L Continue Reading...

Violence and the Cross An Essay

Gustavo Gutierrez did just that in Latin America, employing Marxist analysis to interpret the Jesus' teachings in the Gospel. Gutierrez founded Liberation Theology, which is, essentially, the twentieth century take on Violence and the Cross. Christ Continue Reading...

Compromise of 1820 There Are Essay

The main causes of the war relied in the issue of slavery as well as the right of the states to be part of a federal entity with equal rights and voices. The implications for this war were enormous as it provided a different future for the colonies Continue Reading...

Reconciliation of the Liberties Term Paper

Reconciliation of the Liberties Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher in the eighteenth century who wrote about topics as varied as religion and politics. He famously worked on a treatise with respect to government that attempted to explain what g Continue Reading...

IR Review Fox, J. (2001). Article Review

The weakness here is that, given the specificity of the situation analyzed in the article, the conclusions are not nearly as broadly applicable as the author seems to imply. Doubtless the conclusions can be related to other events to some degree, bu Continue Reading...

Genocide Despite the Fact That Term Paper

Additional countries, such as Argentina, Czech Republic, Chile, Slovak Republic, Spain, Balearic Islands and the Vatican made a Holodomor declaration. Russia continues to be complete denial and is utilizing it political influence to refute that this Continue Reading...

Book Of John In the Essay

In the article, "Unlocking the Power of John's Gospel," Ray Bystrom (2004) declares "John's Gospel is like a river in which a lamb may bathe and an elephant swim -- both shallow and deep at the same time. The new convert and the mature disciple will Continue Reading...

Nature of American Views About Essay

It is impossible in six short pages to fully comprehend the attitudes that White Americans had to Native Indians and black Americans in the early centuries of our nation's founding. That was m not my intent. My goal rather, was to illustrate first Continue Reading...

Women, Men Communication It Has Thesis

The possibility that such attention was paid to these event in earlier times in European cultures is obvious but absent from modern representations of rites of passage. What can be interesting is the correlation between the two rites of passage disc Continue Reading...

America in the Twentieth Century Essay

These tools have revolutionized not only the economics of the world, but also world politics and social affairs. Thus, the United States certainly became the leading economic power in the United States during the twentieth century. it's trade, multi Continue Reading...

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination The Essay

As Europeans, they came from countries that, although quite poor, had very good education opportunities. As part of the mainstream culture, my ethnic group also took part in the discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities, including the Afri Continue Reading...

Torture and Abuse of Gays Term Paper

These responsibilities notwithstanding, the American public was already being conditioned to view the war in Iraq as a battle against extremists, that is, against the Islamist radicals who had threatened the "American" way" of life on September 11, Continue Reading...

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Term Paper

The United Steelworkers struck over the proposed closing, and the strike dragged on for several weeks before being settled, causing problems throughout the company and their customers, as well. The strike began Oct. 5, and over 12,000 workers were i Continue Reading...

Plato Descartes Allegory of the Term Paper

He pursues this by beginning to doubt of everything, even his own existence. He presents his reestablishment of reality as a series of proofs, like proving a mathematical formula. What is the first conclusion he reaches in this search? What is the Continue Reading...

Purchase of Real Estate by Term Paper

3 million buildings and plots of land. If it can conservatively be assumed that a minimum of five persons are affected for each business and a minimum of two persons for each building, then some 5 million people are directly involved in property-rest Continue Reading...

1500 History of World Societies Term Paper

The British created a well-educated, English-speaking Indian elite middle class d. new jobs were created for millions of Indian hand-spinner and hand-weavers The Indian National Congress can best be described in which of the following ways: Answer Continue Reading...

World War I Development of Term Paper

According to Henry Kissinger, treaty was nothing but a "brittle compromise agreement between American utopism and European paranoia - too conditional to fulfill the dreams of the former, too tentative to alleviate the fears of the latter." Making a Continue Reading...

Vietnam: A Bird's Eye View Term Paper

It was an independent strategic interdiction campaign designed to disrupt the flow of Soviet supplies, as the North Vietnamese had few resources of their own at the time. Thus, although painted as an alliance between South Vietnam and America in the Continue Reading...

Mechanism of Storytelling Term Paper

Storytelling Human beings are naturally predisposed to hear, to remember, and to tell stories. The problem -- for teachers, parents, government leaders, friends, and computers -- is to have more interesting stories to tell. (Schank, pg. 243) The ar Continue Reading...