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Media, Violence, Sex, and Police Essay

Berrington, E., Honkatukia, P. (2002). An Evil Monster and a Poor Thing: Female Violence in Media. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 3(1): 50-72. Berrington and Honkatukia examine patriarchal constructs of British Continue Reading...

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Globalization

Vaughan, J.L., Leming, M.L.M., Liu, M., & Jaselskis, E., 2013. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Construction Information Management System Implementation: Case Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Managers working within construct Continue Reading...

Army It Has Been Stated Research Paper

This would cause them to be become dependent on their children as well. As a result, a viscous circle would be created that would be quite difficult to break. The growing problem of the sandwich generation is making quite a significant impact on th Continue Reading...

Personhood Debate Vs. IVF In Research Paper

Additionally, the utilitarian position presents the advantage of objectively quantifying the interests of everyone affected by the decision, for the sole purpose of promoting common welfare. Thus, harvesting, fertilizing, genetically screening, impl Continue Reading...

Time and Inequality Term Paper

HG Wells' the Time Machine reminds me of the contemporary state of the world and its problems that can actually be reduced to three attributes: environmental causes, political conditions, and economic conditions. Environmental conditions: The Eloi Continue Reading...

Anabolic Steroids. This Drug Has Term Paper

, 2008). Summary: An attached handout From all the data and evidences provided above it is evident that all these anabolic drugs are very harmful for health as: These drugs not only affect you mentally but also physically and the long-term use of Continue Reading...

Self and Others The Manner in Which Essay

Self and Others The manner in which people view themselves has been shown to be an important predictor of their behavior, achievement, and physical and psychological health. There has been a growing trend in recent years to promote a positive self- Continue Reading...