996 Search Results for Health Care Reform in the United States

Public Health Program Challenges Interview

Public Health Program Challenges in Municipalities For public health challenges to be amicably solved, the entire community, political, legal, and government processes have to be synergized. This collaborative effort is quintessential in improving pu Continue Reading...

Prison Reform Research Paper

Prison Reform The United States criminal justice system houses the largest prison population in the world; both in terms of the total prison population as well as the proportion of prisoners to the total population (per capita). The United States ha Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act and Marijuana Essay

 When the Affordable Care Act was upheld by the Supreme Court, several people commended the Court for refusing to remove the only social protection they had which was established and improved by the New Deal as well as the Great Society. The Hou Continue Reading...

Aboriginal Health The Colonisation of Essay

The lack of inclusion of aboriginal representation at the policy making level is also regarded as an insurmountable barrier to formulating adequate health policies as regards the indigenous population of Australia. (Matthew, Pulver, & Ring 2008 Continue Reading...

Auditor Standards Reforms Research Paper

Independence of Auditors The objective of this study is to consider the statement as follows: "Unquestionably, the HIH story is also one of auditor failure" and to research into the background of the HIH collapse in Australia insofar as it relates t Continue Reading...

Military Reforms of 1861-74 It's Term Paper

Retired or dismissed soldiers were not subdued to physical punishments such as whipping, so police could do nearly nothing even in the case of open public aggression or hooliganism. Absence of alternative to heavy drinking in the army created such a Continue Reading...

Nineteenth Century Reform Term Paper

Nineteenth Century Reform The nineteenth century, particularly between 1825 and the outbreak of the civil war in 1861, the United States was in a state of reform. There were five key reform movements that made themselves present in America in the ni Continue Reading...

Border Security in the United Term Paper

Increased border security would keep this youngster at home where he belongs, and would also help do away with the smugglers (coyotes) who prey on the immigrants and charge them exorbitant sums to lead them across desolate deserts undetected. Along Continue Reading...

Obesity and Public Health Essay

Government Health Initiatives: Obesity and public health Given the rise in obesity rates in the United States, prioritizing reducing the prevalence of this illness has become a critical cornerstone of many federal, state, and local health agencies. Continue Reading...

History of Mental Health in the United Essay

history of mental health in the United States has not always been a pleasant one. Prior to the mid-20th century those unfortunate numbers of Americans who were considered mentally ill were either ignored or placed in asylums (Philo, 1997). The asylu Continue Reading...


Challenges in the response of public health in this area includes the following: 1) a lack of medical records or documentation of predeparture therapy; 2) Limited Medicaid reimbursement for therapy and follow-up care due to the lack of documentati Continue Reading...

First Lady of the United Essay

5). One this level, Obama makes a more personal appeal to the audience. She brought the problems down to the individual who would eventually cast the vote. The use of generalizations did not have the same impact on the individual. McCain's focus on Continue Reading...

Union Obama's 2013 State of the Union Essay

Union Obama's 2013 State of the Union Address Finance President Obama made clear that the budget for the country was the first thing mentioned when discussing finance and economics. Obama suggested that the budget was directly tied to the strengt Continue Reading...

Managed Care Term Paper

Nursing Tasks, Methods, And Expectations State of the Industry The Art and Science of Nursing Relative Pay Scales Male Nursing Roles Sex Stereotypes The Influence of the Nationalized Healthcare Debate Proposed Methods toward Recruiting Nurses Continue Reading...

Foster Care and Emancipation Term Paper

foster children face, especially when they become emancipated and begin to live life on their own. It has often been suggested that many more African-American children are in foster care than are children of other races. In order to understand wheth Continue Reading...

British Cannabis Policy Reform Essay

Cannabis in the UK: De-Penalisation, Decriminalisation, or Legalisation? In October of 2015, the Parliament of the United Kingdom was forced to debate whether the current prohibition on cannabis should end in some way. "Forced" is the correct word h Continue Reading...