998 Search Results for Drug Abuse Individuals Who Use Drugs Have

Bullying is Not a New Phenomenon in Essay

Bullying is not a new phenomenon in the social lives of school-aged children but in recent years a great deal more attention has been paid to bullying because of the apparent rise in the number of publicized incidents. Teachers, parents, school admin Continue Reading...

Ethics in Group Counseling Term Paper

Ethics in Group Counselling Ethics in Group Counseling Group Therapy Counselling: Ethics The ethical concerns of therapists have been getting larger in quantity and sophistication. Managed care demands professionals to think about problems with d Continue Reading...

Gateway Rehab Center Essay

function for the Gateway Rehabilitation Center (GRC) is the drug and alcohol treatment that assists addicts in kicking their dependency on either drugs or alcohol. As the GRC website touts "if you are abusing alcohol or other drugs, Gateway Rehab's Continue Reading...

Addictions Impact Society Essay

1. What ethical questions are raised for needle and syringe program (NSPs)?Numerous ethical considerations are raised through needle and syringe programs. The most pressing of which is the dilution it the enforcement of current drug laws. Through the Continue Reading...

Future of DNA Testing The Research Proposal

The scientists ran the DNA computer only in a test tube. They foresaw the need for an injectable version for intracellular activities, which could take decades to devise.7 In response to the fear of nonscale robots going around inside the body, the Continue Reading...

Psychoanalysis Tools Techniques Chapter

Effects of TraumaPart 1a. Discuss the tools and techniques of psychoanalysis you believe the author may have used to worked with the client and arrive at his conclusions.The patient chosen is Rebecca. The techniques of psychoanalysis used to work wit Continue Reading...

Sociology Is the Cure Worse Term Paper

Youthful offenders especially, are subjected to negative influences and damaging treatment while in prison. Rehabilitation can be arranged so as to meet the needs of individual women and men, allowing them to come to terms with the reality of their Continue Reading...

Young Man, Steven. We Analyze Case Study

Social modeling has therefore been floated to be a factor in the basic etiology of self cutting and other studies also indicate that many teens engage in the act as a result of their peers being engaged in the same act as outline by Nock and Prinste Continue Reading...

Elvis When Elvis Presley Died Term Paper

Conclusion Culture critic David Marsh once wrote that "Unless you understand that Elvis Presley was more than anything a spiritual leader of our generation, there's really no way to assess his importance, much less the meaning of his music."20 Ind Continue Reading...

Workplace Discrimination: Prevention Essay

Preventing Workplace Discrimination The relevance of enhancing equality at the workplace cannot be overstated. It is important to note, from the onset, that discrimination at the workplace could assume various forms. These include, but they are not Continue Reading...

Boys and Girls Club of America Term Paper

Boys and Girls Clubs of America as a Resource to Aid in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Boys and Girls Clubs of America This research describes the tremendous need for nonprofit human services organizations by youth who: use drugs, commit c Continue Reading...

Social Services Term Paper

Social Services and Child Welfare in New Jersey The history of social services has its successes of children who as a result of child welfare intervention are removed from the grip of their abusers and find loving and nurturing homes. These are case Continue Reading...

Interview with Social Worker: Ms. A My Essay

Interview with social worker: Ms. A My interview was with Ms. A, a substance abuse counselor, who organized group meetings for people in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. She described the work as challenging but rewarding. Very often people who Continue Reading...

Blessed Unrest Info: "Blessed Unrest Thesis

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) defines racial profiling this way: "Racial Profiling' refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethn Continue Reading...

Punishment Program Research Paper

Punishment Program This punishment program is a middle ground between incarceration and traditional probation and parole. The individuals participating in this program are released into the community, however, they are subject to very strict guidel Continue Reading...