998 Search Results for Language Barrier

Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a major chronic illness in the U.S., with 84 million adults being pre-diabetic (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Whereas risk factors are numerous, minority groups are at a particularly greater risk for T2D Continue Reading...

Analyzing the Pediatric Asthma Issues

Pediatric Asthma Asthma is a debilitating condition caused by unspecified reasons. As such prevention, control and diagnosis becomes difficult. In addition, symptoms may vary largely. Cultural and ethnic beliefs and remedies add to the complexity, m Continue Reading...

Fear Sadness Fear and Access to Mental Essay

Fear Sadness Fear and Access to Mental Health Support Mental health treatment is, in a certain regard, a widely accepted sector of the healthcare community. However, in spite of continued advances in this field, there remain many demographics which Continue Reading...

Refugee or an Immigrant is Essay

As a social worker, you should understand some of rights a refugee has under the law of the land and the international refugees' laws. For instance, under Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, it spells out clearly that a Continue Reading...

Road is Not Just the Assessment

These values can be as operational for the parent/child association as it is for the owner/pet relationship. Strategy for communication The objective of any family is for all members to live in agreement with each other. It is the first basis of a Continue Reading...

Puerto Rican Migrant As Coming Term Paper

In the city of New York there was a strong Italian, Jewish, and Black presence but nothing along the same lines ever developed for the Puerto Rican community. The concerns of the Puerto Rican community failed to ever gain a political foothold in the Continue Reading...

Japanese Manga Anime Essay

Anime/Manga Readings Sh-nen and Shojo manga/anime Sh-nen and shojo differ from each other mainly through the thematic stories they choose to tell. The narratives given in each type of anime or manga are indicative of the audience, where sh-nen gear Continue Reading...

Ethics According to the Most Essay

Yet Ana and her family also sought the intervention of traditional doctors or curanderos. The curandero provides services that a Western doctor cannot: the cleansing ceremony referred to in the case study is a perfect example of differences in attit Continue Reading...

Pumps for All The United Thesis

The needs of each must be met, but the strategy should also emphasize a degree of equality between the groups that may not appear to exist on the surface. Examples of Islam as a problem for HRM include the need for prayer times, the need for mosque Continue Reading...

Mental Status Examination Involves an Thesis

Additionally, the questioner should know that some mood disorders can present themselves somatically: someone who is anxious may have a racing pulse, and someone who is depressed may have difficulty sleeping, eating, or engaging in basic self-care. Continue Reading...