1000 Search Results for Assessment and Special Education

Case-Study-and-Student Essay

Tom: A Case Study Three themes that emerge from the case study of Tom are 1) Parent advocacy is key to helping the student with a learning disability overcome obstacles, 2) Early referral is another factor in assisting in this achievement, and 3) Pe Continue Reading...

Grade Six Mathematics Lesson Plan

Part 1: Lesson plan 1 1. Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Mathematics Name: Grade Level: Sixth Date: Time: Topic: Fractions Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics Continue Reading...

Inclusion Has Long Been a Term Paper

It can be used to establish language dominance, to determine whether a student is performing at grade level in academic subjects in his native language, and to distinguish whether or not a student's weaknesses are due to limited English proficiency Continue Reading...

Overarching Goal of This Study Essay

Good researchers tend to pull methods out of a tool kit as they are needed" (2006, p. 54). Notwithstanding these criticisms and constraints, though, most social researchers seem to agree that classification by some type of research paradigm is a use Continue Reading...

Fine Arts & the K-12 Essay

Thus, we assume that children gifted in the arts are every bit as intellectually endowed as those with academic gifts. The relationships among giftedness, talent development, and creativity are challenging areas of research. Because researchers lac Continue Reading...

Program Evaluation Design Term Paper

Program Evaluation Design constructive, practical, principled and correct process in an organized manner is necessary towards ameliorating and contributing for an efficient program assessment. It has been planned to structure and systematize vital co Continue Reading...

Emotional Behavior Disorders Essay

Behavioral Disorders Education Author's note with contact information and further details on collegiate affiliation, etc. Article Summary on Behavioral Disorders In the article, "The Impact of Targeted Classroom Interventions and Function-Based Continue Reading...

Mental Retardation with Autism Term Paper

Incidence, Diagnoses, Characteristics and Safety Considerations Involved in the Provision of Physical Education Activities to Students with Mental Retardation with Autism An Examination of the Incidence, Diagnoses, Characteristics and Safety Consid Continue Reading...

Teaching is One of the Research Proposal

3.4 Finally, I am interested in whether or not there is a trickle-down effect from leftist or rightist politics style at the provincial and federal levels. 1.3 Objectives 1.3.1 There are two major objectives for this research. The first is to comp Continue Reading...

Australian Curriculum Essay

The author of this report has been charged with assessing the good and bad things as it pertains to the Australian Curriculum. This would include its efficacy and legitimacy as a national document and part of the law. Of course, education is one of t Continue Reading...

Teacher's Attitudes On Pay For Dissertation

In other fields, going the extra mile, investing extra weekend or evening time, or providing exemplary presentations and materials usually results in some form of bonus. In teaching, however, much of this is expected -- before and after school tutor Continue Reading...