1000 Search Results for Leadership Theory and Practice

Organizational-Culture-and-Leadership Essay

Bad Leader Compare and contrast the trait and behavioral approach to leadership, discuss which approach is more effective and explain your reasoning. Lastly, identify and describe a leader who uses the approach you chose as more effective and evalu Continue Reading...

Core-Values-and-Leadership Essay

Learning to Lead by Experience Two years ago, I lost the most important person in my life. My heart ached. Before I lost my mom, I thought I was in the most secure point of my life -- but I was not. Throughout the process of grieving, I found out wh Continue Reading...

Sociological Theory Term Paper

Sociological Theory Sociology as a field of study entails examining and understanding the behavior of human groups and associated social behavior. In understanding these aspects, the sociologists have, their focus primarily concentrated on the human Continue Reading...

Humility Fosters Leadership Research Paper

Leadership OutlineI. Introductiona. Statement of the problemi. Despite the importance of humility in leadership, there is a lack of empirical research that examines the relationship between humility and effective leadership among Christians in public Continue Reading...

Charismatic-Leadership-and-Leadership Essay

Leadership The co-founder and former chief executive officer, president and chairman of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, has frequently been cited in the leadership literature as being an exemplar of charismatic leadership (Gibson & Blackwell Continue Reading...

Human Theory of Caring Essay

Introduction Theory guides practice. This is true of many things, but is especially true of nursing. While many processes, actions, and rules are involved in becoming a great nurse, understanding and applying theory must be the most important aspect Continue Reading...

Leininger Transcultural Nursing Theory Essay

Introduction Cultural competency is currently taken for granted in nursing theory and practice. However, cultural competency was not always normative. Madeline Leininger was the first nursing theorist, practitioner, and scholar to distinguish transcu Continue Reading...

Management Theories As the Supervisor Thesis

In fact I sincerely wanted to help them find positions where they could excel. The lack of trust on their part and the acute resistance to change was so strong that structuring for integration to the point of even defining what conditions needed to Continue Reading...

Nursing Theory Imogene King Essay

Nursing Theory Analysis Theory-based nursing is the phenomenon that has been researched much during the past two decades. Nursing theory has become the foundation for nursing practice with its own knowledge base. The current paper is an analysis of Continue Reading...